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IPCC SROCC Information Event for Early-Career Researchers


Bern, Switzerland

Contact person
MRI/PAGES/Swiss Polar Institute, with ProClim
Meeting Category

An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere (SROCC) Information Event for early-career researchers will be held on 18 December 2018 in Bern, Switzerland.

Access the event flyer here (pdf).

The event will be live streamed on the MRI Facebook page from 9:30-12:15:


Kuppelraum, University of Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4, Bern


Scientists working and collaborating within the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), Past Global Changes (PAGES), and the Swiss Polar Institute (SPI) networks actively conduct research that is relevant and useful as input for global assessments, such as the reports convened by the IPCC.

The three organizations will host the event, in collaboration with ProClim.

Within the current sixth assessment cycle, the IPCC SROCC offers an opportunity to encourage early-career researchers (ECRs) within these networks to consider contributing to these efforts in the future, by informing on the assessment process and the important role of the scientific community.

The executive directors of MRI (Carolina Adler), PAGES (Marie-France Loutre) and Danièle Rod (SPI) recognise the need to support ECRs early in their scientific careers by providing key information about these assessment processes, thereby fostering interest and engagement within the next generation of scientists and encourage them to participate in these important global assessment processes in future.


A key milestone within the IPCC SROCC is the Expert and Government Review of the Second Order Draft (SOD), which takes place between 16 Nov 2018 – 11 Jan 2019. This would be a last opportunity for experts to be involved in this process, given that the third and final review (Jun-Aug 2019) is reserved for governments.

A half-day information and networking event is specifically dedicated to ECRs based in Switzerland and whose scientific background, research or expertise relates to climate change. However, any other interested person is welcome to participate.

The event format is a series of inputs from experts in the IPCC assessment process and prominent climate scientists in Switzerland. They will provide some background information on the assessment process as well as perspectives from the scientific communities working on mountains, polar regions and past climates as to the challenges and prospects for research on climate change in these environments.

The event is also an opportunity to share personal experiences and recommendations for those considering involvement in the future, potentially as part of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).


The event is targeted to those familiar with the IPCC and with scientific background and research relevant to climate change, but may still need the necessary background and information on the IPCC assessment process to feel empowered to consider participating in the future and developing this expertise.


9:00: Arrivals and registration (welcome coffee)
9:30: Introduction and welcome from MRI, PAGES and SPI and introduction to information event
9:45: Presentations:
- Prof. Valérie Masson-Delmotte, IPCC WG1 Co-Chair - Introduction to the IPCC assessment processes, its role in addressing science-policy interface, and the role of the scientific community to its work
- Dr. Gian-Kasper Plattner, WSL – A Reader’s Guide to IPCC Assessment Reports
10:15: Q&A
10:30: Coffee break
11:00: Presentations: Perspectives on the scientific evidence on climate change related to specific SROCC chapters – challenges and future research prospects, implications for SROCC and IPCC assessment process:
- High Mountains – Prof Christian Huggel (University of Zurich)
- Polar Regions – Prof Ulrike Lohmann (ETH Zurich)
- Past climates – Prof Darrell Kaufman (Northern Arizona University, USA)
11:45: Panel Q&A with all speakers
12:15: Networking lunch
13:15: Finish


Registration is free but compulsory, due to seating capacity.

Please register by Friday 7 December 2018 using this form:

The event will also be live streamed on the MRI Facebook page from 9:30-12:15:

Further information

Contact PAGES' Executive Director Marie-France Loutre: (marie-france[dot]loutre[at]pages[dot]unibe[dot]ch)

Go to the MRI website: