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25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists


Bern, Switzerland

Workshop report
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Meeting Category

The 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) will take place from 4-7 September 2019 in Bern, Switzerland.

The event will be organised by the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bern.

PAGES is providing support for this meeting.


Main Building/UniS
University of Bern
Hochschulstrasse 4/Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3012 Bern


The Annual Meeting themes, as defined by the Scientific Committee, incorporate the diversity of EAA and the multidimensionality of archaeological practice, including archaeological interpretation, heritage management and politics of the past and present.

1. Archaeological theory and methods beyond paradigms
2. Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans, and landscapes
3. Archaeology of mountainous landscapes
4. Digital archaeology, science and multidisciplinarity: new methods, new challenges
5. Archaeological heritage and museum management: future chances, future risks
6. Global change and archaeology

All details:

Call for sessions

The call for sessions closes 8 November 2018.

Sessions can be submitted only via online submission form:

Find more details about how to submit a session here:

You need to know your EAA ID, username and password to be able to sign in to the submission. If you need any assistance with retrieving your credentials, please contact EAA Secretariat at (helpdesk[at]e-a-a[dot]org).

Abstracts and papers

The deadline for submission is 18 February 2019:


All participants of EAA Annual Meetings have to be current (2019) EAA members and register for the conference. Both fees can be paid in one step or separately.

Registration is open (all presenters must be registered by 24 April 2019):

Important dates

8 November 2018: Deadline for session proposals
3 December 2018: Announcement of session acceptance/rejection
17 December 2018: Deadline for session organisers registration
19 December 2018: Call for papers opens
14 February 2019: Deadline for papers proposals
26 March 2019: Announcement of papers acceptance/rejection
4-7 September 2019: Bern Annual Meeting

Further information

More information can be found on the official website:

Should you need any assistance please contact the EAA Secretariat:

PAGES-affiliated-group session

Hominin Dispersals Research Group (HDRG) became a PAGES-affiliated group at the start of 2019.
Members of HDRG will conduct the following session:

Session #317: Celebrating 25 Years (EAA25) of Collaboration: How Archaeology and the Earth sciences are coming together to solve real-world problems
Author: Burke, Ariane (Canada) - Universite de Montreal Co-Author(s): Davis, Basil (Switzerland) - Universite de Lausanne; Riel-Salvatore, Julien (Italy) - Universite de Montreal

Archaeology has always been an interdisciplinary science situated at a cross-roads between the Social and Natural Sciences. In the past, collaborations between archaeologists and natural scientists have focussed on the production of valuable contextual information with which to interpret the archaeological record.

Over the past 25 years, archaeological research has become increasingly inter-sectorial, however. Analytical tools drawn from the Earth Sciences (geographic information systems and machine-learning approaches, for example) have been incorporated into archaeological practise as scientists tackle questions relating to human evolution and demography at global, continental and regional scales.

Lately, scientists in the Social and Earth Sciences have re-focused their energies towards helping to solve real-world issues, exploring what the archaeological record can tell us about human resilience and considering the implications in a context of global climate change.

This session presents research that explores human/environment interactions in the past using methods drawn from ecological sciences and archaeological data, with a view to identifying the ecological tipping points that have affected human systems in the past in the hopes of helping us plan for the future.