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TRACE 2019: Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology


San Leucio, Caserta, Italy

Meeting Category

The TRACE 2019: Tree-rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology meeting will be held from 6-11 May 2019 in San Leucio, Caserta, Italy.


Belvedere di San Leucio

San Leucio is located 2.5 km northwest of Caserta in the region of Campania in southern Italy.


TRACE 2019 is organized by the tree-ring lab "DendroLAB" (DISTABIF, University of Campania) in cooperation with the Association for Tree-Ring Research (ATR):


The annual TRACE meeting aims to build bridges and facilitate knowledge exchange in all contemporary fields of tree-ring science. It will include seven sessions on forest growth, dendroclimatology, human history, wood anatomy, ecology and ecophysiology, dendrochronology in the tropics and tree-ring networks.

With the spectacular scenery of the Belvedere di San Leucio as a background, tree-ring scientists will discuss the present and future of dendrochronology in an open forum, aiming to create a large network for early-career scientists.

Pre-conference workshops

Pre–conference workshops on 6-7 May will be held to help train and to address methodological issues in cross-disciplinary and cross-scale studies. During the conference sessions, the many different aspects of tree-ring research will be addressed through keynote, oral and poster presentations, ranging from dendroclimatology and forest ecology, to tree physiology and dendroarchaeology.

To register for the workshops, email

Maximum number of participants per workshop is 20, on a first-come, first-served basis. A daily fee of 20 Euros per participant is billed and will be charged upon registration; this fee includes lunch and coffee breaks.

All details:


The provisional sessions are below. Full descriptions can be found here:

1. Forest growth responses to environmental stress
2. Long-term climate variability as retrieved from the tree archive
3. Wood anatomy meets Dendro-sciences (in cooperation with International Association of Wood Anatomists - IAWA)
4. Tree functioning in a complex environment & plasticity of wood and phloem structure and production
5. Humans, wood, history & forests
6. Dendrochronology in the tropics: Challenges and Opportunities
7. Tree-ring networks


For all details about the program and excursions, go to:

Key dates

10 November 2018: Registration and abstract submission opens
20 January 2019: Registration and Abstract submission deadline
15 February 2019: Notification of abstract acceptance
15 March 2019: Payment deadline
6–11 May 2019: TRACE meeting

Abstract submission

Deadline for abstract submission is 20 January 2019:


Deadline for registration is 20 January 2019:

Further information

Go to the official website: