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20th Swiss Global Change Day


Bern, Switzerland

Contact person
Meeting Category

The 20th Swiss Global Change Day will be held on 7 February 2019 in Bern, Switzerland.


Freies Gymnasium
Beaulieustrasse 55
3012 Bern


The Swiss Global Change Day is the once a year event organised by ProClim where well-known experts present challenges and highlights of climate and global change research covering a broad range of topics. It is also an opportunity to show research results by posters and to discuss them with colleagues.


- Adam Corner (Climate Outreach and Cardiff University): Beyond polar bears, politicians & protesters – towards a new visual language for climate change
- Adrienne Grêt-Regamey (ETH Zurich): Negotiating space for climate mitigation and adaptation – spatial planning for climate change
- Anders Levermann (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany): Do we have to be afraid of sea level rise?
- Dirk Messner (United Nations University, Bonn, Germany): On the (im)possibility of the transformation to sustainability
- Peter Schürch (Bern University of Applied Sciences): A wake-up call for sustainability in architecture
- Margit Schwikowski (Paul Scherrer Institute): Into thin ice: alpine glacier ice cores unlock the secrets of past environmental changes


Access the program here.

Poster session

This event is an opportunity to show research results by posters and to discuss them with colleagues. The most attractive and comprehensive posters will be honoured with a travel award of CHF 1000.– which allows the winners to attend an international conference in the current year. The poster awards are sponsored by ACP, SAGW and ProClim.

Posters can be submitted in the following categories:

Geosphere | Biosphere Atmosphere | Hydrosphere Human Dimensions | Sustainability (including: Environmental Consciousness, Communication, Values, Behaviour, Transformation, ‘Turning Knowledge into Action’)

If you would like to enter the contest, you are asked to send a pdf file (max. 10 MB) by 25 January 2019 to You have the possibility to present your poster without entering the contest (no pdf submission required then). Please bring your printed poster with you on 7 February 2019.


Payment and registration deadline is 31 January 2019:

Further information

Go to the official website: