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WDS Asia-Oceania Conference 2019


Beijing, China

Meeting Category

The WDS Asia-Oceania Conference 2019 will be held from 7–8 May 2019 in Beijing, China.

It is hosted by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research, Chinese Academy Of Science.


The purpose of the conference is to establish a collaborative network to share information and to do bottom-up data-oriented activities in the Asia-Oceania area.


(1) Strengthen collaboration in the Asia-Oceania region to reinforce WDS-oriented activities

(2) Introduce advanced technologies to data management

(3) Push the cooperation of inter-operational computing or interoperability in WDS community

(4) Build and expand WDS community in the Asia-Oceania region

(5) Exchange experience on successful WDS trustworthy data-repositories certification and membership application

(6) Promote WDS-oriented activities in support of ICSU-led projects in the Asia-Oceania region


Papers/abstract submissions here:

Abstracts are invited on the following conference themes by 28 February 2019:

1. Data acquisition – Barriers and efforts.
2. Practices for preservation and provision of quality-accessed research data.
3. Infrastructures for international and collaborative activities on data.
4. Application of advanced technologies to data management.
5. Enhancement of data standards or best practices for data management.
6. Promotion of Open Science and Open Data activities (including data publication).
7. Data-driven science cooperation and sustainable development (e.g., the UN Sustainable Development Goals).
8. Supporting early career researchers in data-oriented activities.

Important dates

Application for travel support (for up to 8 participants): by 15 February 2019
Abstract submission: by 28 February 2019
Notification of acceptance: by 10 March 2019
Registration: by 30 March 2019
Hotel Reservation: by 27 April 2019 (opens 1 March)
Conference: 7-8 May 2019

Further information

Visit the conference website for more details: