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GPWG2 synthesis workshop


Besançon, France

Contact person
Boris Vannière
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The Global Paleofire Working Group 2 (GPWG2) will conduct a small meeting from 17-22 June 2019 in Besançon, France.


This meeting is for 12 invited people (mainly GPWG2 Steering Committee members and a few new colleagues).


17 June: Arrival.
18-19 June: Work on the final GPWG2 synthesis paper.
20 June, morning: Discussion around the GCD development.
20 June, afternoon and 21 June: Construction of the GPWG phase 3 project.
22 June: Departure.

Further information

Contact group leader Boris Vannière: (boris[dot]vanniere[at]univ-fcomte[dot]fr)