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International virtual workshop on microfossil geochemistry



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Do you enjoy analysing specimens of different microfossils? Do you enjoy using high resolution analytical techniques? Are you curious about microfossil group biology? New to these topics and want to learn more?

Then join the international virtual workshop on microfossil geochemistry on Tuesday 10 November 2020 from 08:00-17:30 UTC.


This one-day microfossil geochemistry multi-panel discussion is being held prior to The Micropalaeontological Society’s 2020 Annual Conference.

The aim of the workshop will be to bring together the micropalaeontological and geochemical communities, so that they can learn from each other and understand how they can collaborate to understand data from microfossils.

Poster sessions will be incorporated throughout the workshop, scheduled before discussion panels.


The three panels will have the following themes, and will be comprised of five to seven panellists from a range of micropalaeontological and geochemical backgrounds. Panellists will be announced soon.

1. Understanding the influence of taphonomy and diagenesis on microfossil data
Chair: Professor Tracy Aze (University of Leeds, UK)
Geochemical data is undeniably influenced by the preservation of specimens used. To understand and use (palaeo)ecological, -climatic and -limnological geochemical proxies to their fullest we need to investigate the impacts of preservation (including how taphonomic bias in the fossil record affects the construction of long term proxy records), explore potential mitigations and develop thorough protocols for analysis.

2. Biology and Ecology - the effect of life
Chair: Dr. Takashi Toyofuku (JAMSTEC, Japan)
Geochemical proxies are usually empirically calibrated because biological processes often impart large fractionations. In addition, seasonally varying production rates and adaptation to specific ecological niches mean that interpreting proxy signals in fossil material can be challenging. This session aims to highlight current approaches used to transfer ecologically- and biologically-dominated signals into robust environmental reconstructions.

3. What can we learn from microfossils on the microscale?
Chair: Professor Jennifer Fehrenbacher (Oregon State University, USA)
The closer we look at microfossil structure, mineralogy and composition, the more complex it appears. How does this complexity affect their ability to record palaeoenvironmental information? This session will consider structural, biological and geochemical complexity of biominerals in context of their use as palaeoclimate archives.

Early-career researchers and those from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to attend and present. All participants at this event must additionally adhere to the TMSoc Code of Conduct (see registration form).

This even has been designed with equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility at the core, and measures will be in place including closed captioning and colour blind friendly graphics. If you have any particular requirements, please contact the organisers.


If you’d like to join, fill in this Google Form by 1 November 23:59 PST:

The event is free, however organisers are encouraging donations ("pay what you can" approach) to a fund which is intended to distribute 50:50 to the 500 Women Scientists Fellowship for the Future and TMSoc Awards Fund (more details to follow).


David Evans (Frankfurt), Lorna Kearns (NOCS), Lucy Roberts (Nottingham), Katrina Nilsson-Kerr (Heriot-Watt), Oscar Branson (Cambridge) and Rehemat Bhatia (NERC).

Further information

Questions can be emailed to: (TMSgeochemworkshop[at]gmail[dot]com)

Workshop website: