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The Micropalaeontological Society 50th Anniversary Conference 2020



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Conference organizers
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Meeting Category

The Micropalaeontological Society is hosting their annual conference virtually from 11-13 November 2020.


This year the theme is 21st century Micropalaeontology, with keynote talks from Pincelli Hull (Yale), Ann Houlbourn (Kiel), Samantha Gibbs (Uni. of Southampton), Isa Schoen (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences), Charles Wellman (Sheffield), Francesca Sangiorgi (Utrecht), Jakub Witkowski (University of Szczecin) and Noritoshi Suzuki (Tōhoku University).

There will also be a pre-conference workshop with three discussion panels and poster sessions focusing on Microfossil Geochemistry. This workshop will be fully closed captioned and all graphics used will be colour blind friendly.


All times in UTC. Access the program here:

10 Nov: 08:00–17:30 Pre-conference workshop

11 Nov: 13:45–18:00 Keynotes part 1, TMS AGM, conference e-party

12 Nov: 10:00–16:00 Keynotes part 2, Open session 1

13 Nov: 11:00–16:00 Lightning talks poster session, Open session 2

Abstracts and poster submission

The abstract deadline is 15 October 2020. Submit abstracts here: Go to

Abstracts are welcome on any aspect of micropalaeontology (including the biology of microfossil producing organisms) for both online talks and online posters. Early-career researchers and those from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to attend and present at both the workshop and conference. All participants must additionally adhere to the TMSoc Code of Conduct (see registration form).

Viewing and commenting on posters will be possible throughout the conference. There will also be poster sessions at the workshop (submission period ended).


Registration for both the workshop and conference closes 1 November 2020.

To register for the annual conference, go to:

To register for the workshop, go to:

Organizers are asking for a minimal fee to cover the costs of the annual conference, and to help manage attendance. Any surplus will be used to support TMS activities. Payment will be needed before the conference, but you are welcome to register now and pay nearer the event.

If you have difficulty with payment or if the need for payment would prevent you participating, or if you would like to enable a class of students to participate, please contact:

Full rate: £15; TMS members: £10; Students, retired members, unwaged: £5; TMS student members: free

Please note the pre-conference workshop on 10 November is free for all participants to attend.

Conference organizers

Jeremy Young (UCL), Bridget Wade (UCL), Paul Bown (UCL) and Jonathan Holmes (UCL).

Workshop organizers

Rehemat Bhatia (TMSoc Publicity Officer), Oscar Branson (Cambridge), David Evans (Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Lorna Kearns (University of Southampton), Katrina Nilsson-Kerr (Heriot Watt) and Lucy Roberts (University of Nottingham).

Further information

To receive all the latest info about the main event, visit the conference website

For queries relating to the annual conference contact: (tmsconf2020[at]gmail[dot]com)

For queries relating to the workshop contact: (tmsgeochemworkshop[at]gmail[dot]com)

On social media use the hashtag #TMSoc2020.