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Data Sharing Seminar Series for Societies: Overview



Contact person
Shelley Stall
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The Data Sharing Seminar Series for Societies will be held on the first Friday of each month throughout 2021, starting from 5 February.

The start time for all seminars is 15:00 UTC.


Registration is free.

There will be two to three speakers with ~30 minutes of Q&A and discussion specific to society engagement to help with data sharing, credit, transparency and more.

Recordings will be made available following the session to help with busy schedules and time zone challenges. 


You are invited to a new seminar series for societies and the communities they serve to develop a better understanding of the evolving data (and software) sharing research culture with invited speakers who are actively engaged with journals, funders, institutions, repositories, and other research communities on the practices available and challenges yet to be addressed.
Societies have a unique role in bringing awareness of developing practices and supporting the necessary discussions within disciplines to bring their voice to the larger community.

The goal is to provide societies and their journals with information and resources to help their communities be more knowledgeable and prepared to share data (and software) in a way that is relevant and meaningful for each discipline.

Series outline

Upcoming planned topics include (not in any particular order):

Incentives for Data Sharing
Building Community around Data
Increasing Diversity and Democratizing Data
Changing Culture around Data Sharing
Credit for Preserving and Citing Datasets
Government Data Sharing Polices (e.g. NIH, European Commission, Research Data Canada)
Research Data Policy Framework for All Journals and Publishers
Curating Data
Importance of Linking Research Products using PIDS

Seminar 1

The first seminar will be held on 5 February at 15:00 UTC.

The seminar is titled "Data Sharing and Citation: How Societies Can Make a Difference".

Speakers: Shelley Stall, American Geophysical Union; Juliane Baron, Federation of Associations Behavioral and Brain Sciences; and Helena Cousijn, DataCite.

It will be an overview of the current state with context on why organizers felt this series would be timely and relevant.

> More details (Google doc link)


Registration is free. You will have the option to register for just the current event, or the entire series. If you register for the entire 12-month series, you will automatically receive all invitations with a zoom link.

> Register here (Google form)

Further information

Contact Shelley Stall: (SStall[at]agu[dot]org)