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LinkedEarth PaleoHack Workshop 1



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The LinkedEarth PaleoHack event is streaming online from 18-19 February 2021.

The times for both days are 9:00-16:00 PST (17:00-23:59 UTC).


PaleoHack aims to bring the power of emerging data standards to all paleoclimatologists.

PaleoHack builds on the work of the LinkedEarth project, funded by the US National Science Foundation EarthCube program (ICER-1541029). In particular, it makes use of the Linked Paleo Data standard and the Pyleoclim package.

This hackathon (the first of many) is supported by NSF grant AGS 2002556 from the P2C2 program and will focus on Python tools for the analysis of paleoclimate data, chiefly the Pyleoclim package.

As such, it assumes a level of basic familiarity with the scientific Python ecosystem, including:

- the "stack": NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib
- Jupyter Notebooks

Organizers stress that only basic familiarity is required, the kind that can be gained after a few tutorials. The hackathon will feature a mix of introductory lectures, Jupyter-based practicums, live Slack conversations, and finish with student presentations recounting what they have learned. Practicums will be conducted in the cloud, alleviating software requirements (see FAQ for details).


By the end of the hackathon, participants will be able to:

- Understand the basics of paleo data structures
- Manipulate these structures
- Understand age model ensembles
- Process paleo timeseries (e.g., binning, interpolation, detrending)
- Apply spectral and wavelet analysis, with appropriate uncertainty quantification
- Correlate a paleo timeseries to a climate field
- Correlate two time-uncertain timeseries
- Compare a record to climate simulations and reanalysis datasets
- Generate publication-quality graphics
- Manage complex, reproducible paleoclimate workflows


The hackathon will take place on Zoom. A tentative schedule is available here.

How to participate

Register by 7 February 2021:

The hackathon will be a combination of livestreams, live discussions, and slack conversations. It is organized around practicum sessions designed to get you started with the Pyleoclim package. Go to the FAQ for requirements.

The hackathon is free to attend and is supported by the National Science Foundation grant 2002556 (P2C2 program).

Further information

Go to the official PaleoHack website: