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10th North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC)

Gainesville, FL, United States
Meeting Category

The North American Paleontological Convention is a major international paleontological event administered by the Paleontological Society under the auspices of the Association of North American Paleontological Societies. Initiated in 1969, NAPC meets every 4-5 years. The convention includes active participation from all fields of paleontology. Over 500 participants from 26 countries attended the most recent NAPC in Cincinnati (2009).

We extend our warmest invitation to all who are interested in paleontology. Our intention in this meeting is to broaden interest and create new avenues of scientific inquiry within the field of paleontology. Thematically focused symposia will provide a wide range of taxonomically diverse topics designed to demonstrate new research applications and increase communication between the distinct disciplines within the field of paleontology. Special activities and symposia will be available for amateurs and fossil clubs to provide networking opportunities and increase interactions between enthusiastic advocates of paleontology at any level.

This meeting will be hosted by the Florida Museum of Natural History (University of Florida).

Pre-conference and post-conference field trips are tentatively planned for February 13th - 14th and 19th - 20th, respectively.

Sclerochronology session:

New Advances and Applications in Sclerochronology
Convened by Donna Surge and David Goodwin

Sclerochronologic records are obtained from a variety of environments (e.g., low to high latitudes: marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems), organisms (e.g., molluscs, fish, corals, sponges, etc.), geological ages, and cultural contexts. In turn, these archives are used to address a variety of ecological, evolutionary, environmental, geological, and archaeological questions. This session focuses on new discoveries based on sclerochronologic analysis from a diverse range of disciplines, organisms, environments, and geological ages.

Submit an abstract by 20 September 2013.