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Imaging the Past to Imagine our Future - The International Continental Scientific Drilling Programs Science Conference

Potsdam, Germany
Meeting Category


The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program will hold its Science Conference Imaging the Past to Imagine our Future from November 11 - 14, 2013 in Potsdam, Germany to develop a new Science Plan.

Conference discussions will be divided into two major categories: Understanding of Geoprocesses, and Societal Challenges.

The number of conference attendees is limited: however, talks and discussions can be followed online via livestreams or video-on-demand.

Registration deadline: 15 August 2013

Abstract submission

All participants on-site or via digital contribution are invited to contribute actively to the conference and its intended outcome.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 September 2013

In order to make sure that contributions are included in the next science plan and the publications in the best possible way, contributions should state in which of the four Challenges (Natural Hazards, Climate and Ecosystem Evolution, Sustainable Energy and Mineral Resources, Water Resources) they fit most appropriately. In addition it will be helpful if abstracts make clear whether to suggest a Science Theme such as volcanic risk, groundwater or a Specific Site representing the best possible target to highlight a specific question or a New Method or Tool that should be applied in future ICDP projects.

Participants are encouraged to present a short talk (5-10 min) upon submission of an abstract. See conference website for more information.