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AGU Fall Meeting 2014

San Francisco, CA, United States
Meeting Category

The American Geophysical Union’s 47th annual Fall Meeting will bring more than 22,000 Earth and space scientists, educators, students, and other leaders to San Francisco, California from the 15th - 19th December, as they gather to present groundbreaking research and connect with colleagues.

Abstracts due 6 August 2014

Travel grant deadline 13 August 2014


PAGES-related sessions

Sea Ice Proxies Working Group

Sea ice in Earth history – proxy data and modelling (Session ID#: 2877)

Convened by: Rainer Gersonde, Hugues Goosse, Ruediger Stein and Eric Wolff

PAGES 2k Network

Climate of the Common Era (Session ID#: 2040)

Convened by: Kevin J Anchukaitis, Edward R Cook, Julien Emile-Geay and Jason E Smerdon

PALSEA Working Group

Sea level, ice sheets, and high-latitude climates during previous warm periods (Session ID#: 2039)

Convened by: Anders E Carlson, Andrea Dutton, Fiona D Hibbert and Mark E Tamisiea

Ice margin and climate changes on Greenland: Contemporary through Holocene (Session ID#: 2766)

Conveners: Meredith Kelly, Laura Levy, Jason Briner, Bea Csatho

Global Climate Change and Cryospheric Systems (Session ID: C11E, C12B, C13B)

Convened by: Jasper Knight, Neil Glasser, Jason Briner, Laura Levy

Future Earth

Future Earth: Connecting Research and Responses to Global Environmental Change (ID#: U54A)

4pm Friday 19 December

This session will involve speakers from the Future Earth Science Committee, Engagement Committee and the current suite of FTI/Cluster Activities. It will focus on engagement and trans-disciplinarity and will include an open discussion afterwards.


Working Group Meetings

NAm2k Meeting

4-6pm Tuesday 16 December, Orpheum Room at the Serrano Hotel

This meeting is to discuss our progress, goals and plans for the coming year. Dinner will follow the meeting for anyone interested. This meeting is open to anyone interested in the NAm2k project.

PAGES2k Open Project Meeting

Thursday, 18 December 2014, 5-7 pm at Hotel Marriott Marquis, Room Pacific I

More information at:

C-PEAT Meeting

At this breakout meeting, C-PEAT coordinators will provide an update on peat-relevant activities and discuss future plans for the group, in particular a WG initiation workshop next year. Please forward this message to anyone who is interested - all are welcome. Please register by emailing: (ziy2[at]lehigh[dot]edu)

Monday, 15 December 2014, 2-4 pm

San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 2nd Floor, Foothill Room D

> Draft Agenda