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1st International Radiocarbon in the Environment Conference

Belfast, Ireland
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Meeting Category

Deadline for session proposals: 30th November 2013

At the inaugural International Radiocarbon in the Environment conference at Queen's University Belfast, we hope to bring together colleagues from around the globe interested in the applications of radiocarbon and stable isotope methods in ecological and environmental research.

Radiocarbon can be used for much more than chronology. Natural abundance, bomb and enriched radiocarbon, in addition to stable isotopes, have all been used in ecological and environmental investigations.

Call for session proposals

We wish to invite session proposals at this time. The deadline for session proposals will be midnight on the 30th November 2013.

The themes to be covered during the conference are:

- Radiocarbon and stable isotopes in freshwater ecology

- Radiocarbon and stable isotopes in marine ecology

- Radiocarbon and stable isotopes in Terrestrial ecology

- Radiocarbon, stable isotopes and environmental change 

Techniques in radiocarbon and stable isotopes analysis 

Statistical methods in radiocarbon and stable isotope analysis

The conference proceedings will be published in the international journal, Radiocarbon:

Guidance on Submitting your Proposal

Session proposals should have a title, names and affiliations of conveners, a brief abstract and keywords. You need to indicate which of our broad themes so they can be sent to the relevant members of the scientific committee to review. You should also indicate whether you propose an oral or poster session, or whether you wish to have both types of presentation. The abstract should say what the session covers, but also give an indication of what you want from speakers, i.e. the themes that you want the authors to adhere to when submitting talks/posters.

The abstract should be within 400 words and emailed to The scientific committee will review the abstract submissions and contact conveners shortly after the session proposal deadline passed.


More information can be found at: or by contacting

The organising committee

Paula Reimer

Evelyn Keaveney

Philippa Ascough

Jesper Olsen