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Workshop: North America 2k - Phase 2 (Powell Center Working Group)

Fort Collins, CO, United States
Workshop report
Contact person
Nicholas McKay
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The USGS Powell Center is hosting a small working group focused on advancing understanding and reconstructions of North American climate over the past 2,000 years the week of June 23, 2014 in Fort Collins, CO, USA.

This workshop will pull together disparate paleoclimate records relevant to North America over the past two millennia into a unified database with a common format. This will enable researchers to take advantage of emerging multiproxy and time-uncertain reconstruction techniques to produce multiple-archive climate reconstructions for several parameters (temperature, hydroclimate, circulation, climate modes) of North American climate over the past two millennia.

These efforts will contribute to the PAGES 2k-Network, and will be the backbone of the next phase of the North America 2k project.

This will be a small, focused meeting, and thanks to additional funding from PAGES, we are inviting applications to join the meeting and to receive travel funding to offset expenses. If you are interested in joining us in Fort Collins, please submit your application by 15 April, 2014 here.


Nicholas McKay

Northern Arizona University

NAU Box 4099, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA (Nicholas[dot]McKay[at]nau[dot]edu)