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Novus Workshop #1: Nutrient Responses to Ecosystem Disturbances from Annual to Multi-millennial Timescales

Oregon, OR, United States
Contact person
Dan Gavin
E-Mail address
+1 541-346-5787
Meeting Category

Application deadline: 1 March 2013

The Novus Research Coordination Network aims to integrate a variety of empirical and conceptual approaches to understanding ecosystem response to disturbance over annual to multi-millennial timescales. The two disciplines we particularly target are ecosystem ecology and paleoecology. We will be holding our first workshop in May to bring together a focused group of researchers to study the nutrient biogeochemistry of a variety of disturbances and ecosystems. Our ultimate workshop goal is to begin to contextualize the nutrient consequences of the recent large and seemingly unprecedented disturbances observed in the past few decades, such as beetle outbreaks and large fires.

There are a limited number of available openings to participate in this workshop. We welcome researchers working on sedimentary or dendrochronological records, paleosols, long-term monitoring, or chronosequences. We are particularly interested in researchers working on post-disturbance nitrogen or phosphorus dynamics. Many systems experience disturbance, so a wide range of possibilities are open.

Workshop Objectives

1) Discuss existing datasets, working hypotheses, and assumptions of research regarding biogeochemical resilience to disturbance2) Identify research priorities for synthesis through temporal scaling across decades to several millennia3) Synthesize themes for two summary manuscripts4) Establish strong research connections and networks among workshop participants.

To apply to attend, please email (Dan Gavin) BEFORE 1 MARCH 2013. Please provide your affiliation, career stage (PhD Student, Post doc, early career, etc.), area of expertise, and institutional address.