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Inaugural INQUA Early Career Researcher Inter-Congress Meeting

Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Meeting Category

The International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) is committed to developing the next generation of Quaternary Scientists. The INQUA Executive Committee has approved the inaugural INQUA Early Career Researcher inter-congress meeting to provide an avenue for MSc/PhD candidates, Post-Doctoral Researchers and research-active academics in the early stage of their careers (within 5 years of obtaining their PhD) to attend valuable workshops designed to assist ECRs with career development, to present their science and gain invaluable mentoring from more senior scientists.


One of the primary objectives is to offer workshops in a variety of research-related issues presented by experienced researchers. Potential workshops include:
- Giving oral and poster presentations.

- How to write for publication.

- Various techniques used in Quaternary Research (e.g. field methods, geochronology, geochemistry, various proxy analyses e.g. macrofossils, forams, diatoms, ostracods, charophytes, etc.).

- Grant writing.

The ECR Congress will also provide the opportunity:

- For ECRs to give oral and poster presentations prior to the 2015 INQUA Congress.

- Provide an opportunity for ECRs to publish work (and be involved in the editorial process) in a special issue of Quaternary International specifically aimed at ECRs.

- Ensure that there are senior scientists available for mentoring and to provide guidance.

- Social activities and fieldtrips to encourage networking and foster potential collaboration among ECRs.