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3rd IGCP 588: Preparing for Coastal Change

Chennai, TN, India
Contact person
S. Srinivasalu
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

Coastal areas are dynamic and fast changing environments. They are home to billions of people worldwide and provide areas of unique natural importance. Over millennia, changes in relative sea level, geological processes and extreme events such as storms and tsunamis, have shaped and changed Earth’s coastlines. More recently, human activities such as coastal development and agriculture have affected coastlines through deposition and erosion, and through relative sea-­‐level rise as a result of anthropogenic climate change. As such coastal change is of considerable local and global interest, not only within the geological realm, but also in terms of socioeconomic and biodiversity impacts.The 3rd annual meeting of IGCP588 will be held in Chennai, India. We invite submissions on topics including: catastrophic coastal events (storms and tsunamis): subsiding deltas: sea-­‐level change in the tropics: coastal dynamics: coastal processes and human adaption: coastal resilience, coastal resources (offshore windmills, renewable energy, offshore mining) and other topics in coastal science.

Scientific sessions

There will be two and half days of scientific sessions including invited talks, scientific talks and a large poster session. Given time constraints we anticipate that at least 50% of presentations will be posters presented in a 2-hour-long poster session. Talks and posters will be held on the first two and a half days.

Important Dates

- Early bird registration: March 30 2013- Submission of abstract deadline: March 30 2013- Notifications of selection of abstracts for oral presentations: April 15 2013- End of discounted registration period: April 30 2013- Deadline for full payment of field trip fee: April 30 2013- Deadline for submission of full papers for session special issues: To be announced at the meeting

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