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International Geochronology Summer School

Bergün, Switzerland
Meeting Category

Dating Anthropogenic and Natural Changes in a Fragile Alpine Environment

Between 1-6 September 2013, the International Geochronology Summer School will be held in Bergün (Switzerland).

Topics to be covered in lectures, excursions and workshops include:

- Dating techniques such as numerical methods (radiocarbon, exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides, OSL, 137Cs, 210Pb, etc.): dendrochronology, ice-core chronologies, as well as relative methods like soil weathering and Schmidt-hammer technique

- Reconstruction of environmental parameters (using dendroecology, stable isotopes, ....)

- Climate and landscape history

- Reconstructing geomorphic processes: Avalanches, mud flows, land slides, rock fall, Forest fires, charcoal identification and dating.

- Presentation of the participants own research

List of Lecturers:S. Ivy-Ochs (ETH Zurich/Uni Zurich), I. Hajdas (ETH Zurich), D. Brandov (Uni Zurich), P. Cherubini (WSL), M. Egli (Uni Zurich), H. Gärtner (WSL), S. Lowick (Uni Bern), M. Schwikowski (PSI), E. Eckmeier (Uni Bonn), E. Costantini (CRA-ABP, Firenze, Italy), D. Dahms (Uni Northern Iowa, USA) and others.

The Summer School is open to young researchers (PhD students and Post-Docs) worldwide. Participation is competitive and will be limited to a maximum of 20. The registration fee (600 Euro) includes accommodation (room sharing required), half board and lunch, excursion and teaching material.


On-line information about the course and the application procedure is available at

Organizing Committee:M. Egli (Uni Zurich), D. Brandov (Uni Zurich), P. Cherubini (WSL), H. Gärtner (WSL), S. Ivy-Ochs (ETH Zurich/Uni Zurich)