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PAGES 2k Network Meeting

Goa, GA, India
Contact person
Lucien von Gunten
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category

The next PAGES 2k Network Meeting will be held on 12 February 2013, one day before the PAGES Open Science Meeting 2013 in Goa, at the same venue as the OSM (

The goal of this meeting is to implement the next phase of the 2k project and to discuss the strategy for producing the global synthesis.

For logistical reasons an email registration to (Lucien von Gunten) is required for participation.


09:00 - Opening and overview of the 2k initiative Heinz Wanner

09:15 - Short reviews by all regional groups(12+3 minutes) Antarctica, Australasia, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Arctic, OceansLucien von Gunten

10:30 Coffee break (30 minutes)

11:00 Short reviews by all regional groups (continued)

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Milestones and timeline - input by the communityDarrell Kaufman

- Regional-group products (D. Kaufman) Reconstructions: What is in progress and what is planned? Methodology: To what extent should it be standardized among regions? Records: What should be included in the database from all regions?

- Global and inter-regional syntheses (D. Kaufman) Topics and research questions: Suggestions for syntheses Coordination of syntheses involving multiple regions

- Model-data comparisons (H. Goosse) Possible topics and coordination procedures

- Database (D. Kaufman and L. von Gunten) Status report: NOAA-Palo (WDC) / PAGES 2k database Other database and data-analytical tools in progress Community needs for 2k database structure, content and tools

- Products, schedule, responsibilities (C. Turney) Timeline: target to âcompleteâ proxy-data input to database Special issue: what should be included? Manuscript from each regional group: suggested outline Journal and schedule Future meetings

15:30 Coffee break

18:00 ClosureChris Turney

Download and print the program (pdf).