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4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change

Kos, Greece
Contact person
James B. Elsner
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

- Early Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: March 15, 2013- Travel Award Application Deadline: March 30, 2013

The 4th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change is designed to serve as a forum to discuss the most recent progress in hurricanes and climate change.

Over the past several years the topic of hurricanes and climate change has received considerable attention by scientists, the insurance industry, and the media. Building on the successful three summits on the topic of hurricanes and climate change, we are organizing the 4th summit scheduled for June 13-18, 2013 in Kos, Greece. The purpose is to bring together leading academics and researchers on various sides of the debate and from all over the world to discuss new research and express opinions about what is happening and what might happen in the future with regard to regional and global hurricane (tropical cyclone) activity. The goals are to address what research is needed to advance the science of hurricane climate and to provide a venue for encouraging a lively, spirited, and sustained exchange of ideas.

Recent research shows that tropical cyclones are more powerful than in the past with the most dramatic increases occurring over the North Atlantic and with the strongest hurricanes. Although such increases are correlated with warming oceans and are consistent with the thermodynamic theory of hurricane intensity, there remains doubt about the interpretation, integrity, and meaning of these results.

Thus leading scientists from around the world will present their latest research and participate in discussions on this topic. Invited speakers will be required to stay for the duration of the summit (4 days). All sessions will be plenary. An important part of the summit will be follow-up discussions during coffee breaks and meals to exchange opinions and ideas.

Sessions will convene in the mornings and early afternoons and will include lectures by invited speakers, as well as talks and poster presentations selected from submitted abstracts.

Confirmed speakers

James Elsner, Florida State University, USA: Robert Hart, Florida State University, USA: Kerry Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA: Jonathan Nott, James Cook University, Australia: Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam University, Germany: Ann Henderson-Sellers, Macquarie University, Australia: Anastasios Tsonis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA: Alexander Khain, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel:Kevin Walsh, CSIRO, Australia: Michael Mann, Pennsylvania State University, USA: Greg Holland, NCAR, USA: Kam-biu Liu, Louisiana State University, USA

Important Information

Additional information will be sent to people who respond to this announcement and pre-register online. For your convenience and to expedite the communication process, registration materials, including abstract and hotel reservation forms, are available on the web site, as well as information on Kos, travel to Greece, and hotel accommodations.

Download and print a full size poster.