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9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System

Ankara, 06, Türkiye
Contact person
Ismail Omer Yoilmaz
E-Mail address
Meeting Category

The 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System will follow the tradition of previous successful Cretaceous Conferences and even try to increase the successes one step forward. The Middle East Technical University, Ankara is pleased to host this meeting, following the successful Symposium in Plymouth, UK in 2008. Turkey has very extensive and well exposed outcrops of Cretaceous successions and displays the characteristic features of Alpine-Himalayan system with a variety of rocks and fossils. The symposium will cover a wide area of interests related to Cretaceous. We invite the specialists all around the world to attend this meeting and to visit the interesting outcrops representing the different colors of the Cretaceous system. Circulars, deadlines, technical program, field excursions, social events and all related details will be announced soon.


- Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Stage Boundaries- International Sub-Commission: Meeting on stage boundaries- Micropalaeontology- Macropaleontology- Paleogeography/Palaeoecology- Faunal/floral extinctions/crisis- Sedimentology and sedimentary processes- Carbonate Platforms, Sequence Stratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy- Event stratigraphy and K/T boundary- Biomineralizaton and Geomicrobiology- Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes- Tectonic processes and basin evolution- Cretaceous Paleoceanography and Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE)- Cretaceous Basins of Turkey and adjacent areas- Continental records and terrestrial processes

Field Excursions and Tours

- Tauride Carbonate Platform, South Western Turkey (Pre-Congress) (28-31 August, 4 days)- Arabian Platform, South Eastern Turkey (Pre-Congress) (28-31 August, 4 days)- Mudurnu-Goynuk Basin (Central Pontides, Western Black Sea region of Turkey) (Post-Congress) (6-9 September, 4 days)- Sinop-Boyabat Basin (Central Pontides, Western Black Sea region of Turkey) (Post-Congress) (6-9 September, 4 days)- Zonguldak Basin (Western Pontides,Western Black region of Turkey) (Post-Congress) (6-9 September, 4 days)- Haymana Basin (Central Turkey, Ankara region) (Mid-Congress) (03 September, 1 day)


For more information and to register please visit