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IMBER Open Science Conference

Bergen, Norway
Meeting Category

The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) project is an interdisciplinary global environmental change research initiative that is focused on understanding the sensitivity of marine biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems to global change and predicting ocean responses to global change and the effects on the Earth System and human society.

The IMBER Open Science Conference (OSC) 2014 “Future Oceans – Research for marine sustainability: multiple stressors, drivers, challenges and solutions” includes a wide range of topics related to marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem research, from ocean acidification to management of fisheries, and the human dimensions of global marine change.

The IMBER OSC 2014 is intended to highlight IMBER’s achievements and ambitions, to synthesize and integrate IMBER-related research to provide a basis for a future marine research agenda, especially in light of the emerging ‘Future Earth’ initiative, while maintaining strong links with IMBER co-sponsor, SCOR. It will provide an international, open forum for marine researchers and research end-users to share their knowledge and experience. The ultimate goal is thus to foster collaborative, interdisciplinary marine research that addresses human-natural marine science issues in the Anthropocene, towards evidence-based solutions and options related to marine issues at local, regional and global levels; and to provide guidance for decision makers, managers and communities towards marine sustainability.

The IMBER OSC 2014 will be complemented by a several side events – topical workshops with regional focus, as well as data management and capacity building workshops. world cafés, public lectures and panel discussions are also planned.


Abstract submission: 31 Jan. 2014
Registration (standard fee): Mar. 2014
Apply for financial assistance: Dec. 2013

Click here to submit an abstract:



A - Ocean Observations and Modelling

B - Lower Trophic Level Processes and Dynamics

C - Higher Trophic Level Processes and Dynamics

D - Ocean Sustainability

E - IMBER Regional Programmes – Synthesis and New Research Directions

F- Regional Studies – Responses to Drivers and Stressors

G - IMBER Focus Activities

and 9 Workshops