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Global Land Project: 2nd Open Science Meeting

Berlin, Germany
Meeting Category

Session proposal deadline: 5 Jan 2013

The 2014 Global Land Project Open Science Meeting will synthesize and discuss the role of the land system as a platform for human-environment interactions, connecting local land use decisions to global impacts and responses.

The Land Science Community is invited to contribute with sessions related to the conference themes:

1. Rethinking land change transitions2. Local land users in a tele-connected world3. Impact and responses4. Land governance

Sessions can be submitted under the following formats:- Research Presentation Session: 5 oral presentations on related topics- Round-table Discussion: 3-5 speed talks followed by discussion- World Cafe Workshop: discussion format around 2-3 open statements or questions- Short Training Session: short training course on a specific topic- Open Format: new innovative session formats are welcome

The open call for abstracts will be advertised from April 30th, 2013.