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4th Living Planet Symposium

Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Meeting Category

Abstract deadline: 15 Feb 2013

The European Space Agency are hosting a fourth Living Planet Symposium, which will take place in Edinburgh, UK, from 9 - 13 September 2013. The conference is organised with the support of the UK Space Agency and is designed to bring together all those working on Earth Observation. It will provide a forum to present and discuss current EO science activities, including ESAs Climate Change Initiative programme and other data exploitation projects, as well as introduce operational services such as the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) and prepare for the upcoming Sentinel missions.

The conference is organised into a number of different themes: Oceanography, Solid Earth, Atmosphere, Climate and Meteorology, Cryosphere, Hazards, Near-Earth environment, Land application and Methods & Products.

Abstract submission is now open at:

Please note that the strict submission deadline is 15 February 2013. All abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee and notification of acceptance will be provided in May 2013. Full papers for accepted contributions are expected to be provided for the event, to be published as an ESA Special Publication.

Registration is free, although participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs. Full details of the Symposium are available at: