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Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART) Science Workshop

Sopot, Poland
Meeting Category

The ART workshop will address the challenge of integrating modelling and observations in order to identify linkages and feedbacks between atmosphere-ice-ocean forcings and biological-geochemical processes that are key to ecosystem function, land-ocean interactions and to the productive capacity of the past, present and future Arctic Ocean.

The workshop is jointly organized with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and will propose training sessions on theoretical and practical aspects of marine sciences, as well as plenary talks and breakoutsessions to discuss and initiate the writing of collaborative papers lead by both early career and senior scientists.

The ART-APECS Workshop is open to any scientists who share a common interest in improving our current understanding and projective capacity of the causes and implications of changing physical conditions on Arctic marine ecosystems on multiple time-scales.

Limited funding is available for participants that will express interest in contributing to the ART scientific framework through the registration form.

More information on the preliminary agenda, venue, list of mentors and invited speakers, as well as the registration form can be found on the ART-APECS Workshop webpage: