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AGU Fall Meeting 2017

New Orleans, LA, United States
Meeting Category

With more than 23,000 Earth and space scientists in 2016, AGU’s Fall Meeting is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world. The meeting continues to be the premiere place to present your research; hear about the latest discoveries, trends, and challenges in the field; and network with colleagues who can enhance your career.


New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

900 Convention Center Blvd

New Orleans, Louisiana 70130



Fall Meeting brings together the entire Earth and space science community from across the globe for discussions of emerging trends and the latest research. The technical program includes presentations on new and cutting-edge science, much of which has not yet been published, meaning you’ll return to work with knowledge you can’t get anywhere else.

With more than 1,700 sessions in 2016, Fall Meeting’s scientific program spans the Earth and space sciences, offering something for everyone no matter their scientific discipline. The meeting offers a unique mix of more than 20,000 oral and poster presentations, a broad range of keynote lectures, various types of formal and informal networking and career advancement opportunities, and an exhibit hall packed with hundreds of exhibitors showcasing new and relevant research tools and services that meet the professional needs of our attendees year after year.

Deadlines and abstracts

Early Abstracts Submissions Deadline: 26 July

Regular Abstracts Submissions Deadline: 2 August

All abstract submissions must be received by 2 August at 23:59ET/3:59+1 GMT (11:59pm EST). Abstracts will not be accepted for review after this date.

For more information about what is required for abstracts, go to:

To submit an abstract, go to:


PAGES sessions

2k Network - PP009: Climate of the Common Era (Session: 23559)

Primary Convener: Jason E Smerdon, LDEO of Columbia University, Palisades, NY, United States. Conveners: Kevin J Anchukaitis, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States; Kim M Cobb, Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Atlanta, GA, United States and Edward R Cook, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, United States

This session highlights recent work on all aspects of the climate of the last 2000 years (the Common Era), using new proxy records, data syntheses, reconstruction methodologies, proxy system modeling, and paleoclimate model simulations. Contributions that combine several of the above areas or that focus on developing improved quantitative estimates of uncertainty are particularly welcome.

A focus of this year's session will be on improving our understanding of past climate extremes and their associated atmosphere-ocean dynamics during the Common Era. New means of observing and reconstructing extreme events, as well as model-data comparisons over the Common Era that seek to understand their frequency and magnitude in response to internal variability and radiative forcing are encouraged.


DICE - PP037: Spatial and temporal variability of dust emissions and transport: a reference framework from paleodust archives (Session: 25188)

Primary Convener: Samuel Albani, LSCE Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex, France. Conveners: Gisela Winckler, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, United States and Denis-Didier Rousseau, CNRS - ENS, LMD, Paris, France

Mineral dust is a major component of the global atmospheric aerosol load. Dust emissions are influenced by climate change, and dust, in turn, can affect climate and biogeochemical cycles. Spatial and temporal variability of dust emissions and transport, as well as uncertainties in the particle size distributions and size-dependent physical and chemical properties, render dust an uncertain component of the climate system. Climate archives constitute natural dust samplers, and preserve precious information about past variability in the dust cycle.

Under opportune circumstances, climate archives provide us with quantitative reconstructions of dust mass accumulation rates; when paired with additional information, such as measurements of particle size distributions they have a great potential for reconstructing the global dust cycle. We invite contributions aimed at building up a quantitative observational reference framework from paleodust archives, as well as contributions from the modeling community with the potential to constrain and validate Earth System Models.


PALSEA2 - G003: Coastal Sea-level Rise and Isostatic Adjustment (Session: 26355)

Primary Convener: Elena Steponaitis, Tulane University of Louisiana, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, New Orleans, LA, United States. Conveners: Karen Simon, Delft University of Technology, Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft, Netherlands, Volker Klemann, GFZ German Research Centre, Dept. 1 Geodesy, Potsdam, Germany and Erik Roman Ivins, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States

Low-lying coastal areas such as river deltas and atolls are extremely vulnerable to sea-level rise. Relative sea-level (RSL) change is driven by changes in vertical land motion (e.g. glacial, sedimentary, and hydrologic loading, sediment compaction, fluid extraction) and changes in sea level (e.g. eustasy, steric effects, ocean circulation, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)). Understanding the mechanisms behind past and present RSL change on both global and regional scales is critical for predicting and mitigating future hazards.

We invite contributions that constrain past and present RSL changes due to GIA and recent ocean-mass and ocean-circulation variations as well as regional hydrologic and sedimentary loading processes in coastal zones. Additionally, we welcome broader contributions that include paleo-RSL reconstructions, ice sheet reconstructions, and analyses of modern geodetic data from GNSS, tide gauges, and altimetry. This session is sponsored by PALSEA2.


Additional side meetings

C-PEAT: There will be an informal C-PEAT meeting during the AGU Fall Meeting on Wednesday 13 December from 16:00-17:30 at the Hampton Inn and Suites in room Riverside I on the second floor.

The proposed agenda is as follows:

1. Community updates

2. C-PEAT Phase II: leadership, objectives, and collaborations

3. Proposed C-PEAT meetings for 2018, 2019, and 2020

4. Topics of Interest for future community efforts

5. Launch of the C-PEAT Newsletter

Please let C-PEAT leaders know if you intend to attend the meeting. Also, email a list of your new, peat-relevant publications to Julie Loisel ( (julieloisel[at]tamu[dot]edu)) so that she can put together a list for the newsletter.

Would you like to discuss a research idea with the group (see item 4 above) or report on an ongoing research effort or on a pertinent meeting you attended (item 1)? Would you like to organize a meeting in the coming years, or share funding opportunities, or talk about anything else? If so, email Julie with the details.


PALSEA2: Monday 11 December, PALSEA2 members will meet following the PALSEA2 sponsored session G11D: Coastal Sea Level Rise and Isostatic Adjustment. Join host Elana Steponaitis from 8:30pm at the Avenue Pub, 1732 St. Charles Avenue, to celebrate the conclusion of this PAGES working group.

Future Earth Happy Hour

On Wednesday 13 December, Future Earth will host a happy hour. Here are the details:

What: Are you attending AGU? If so, Future Earth invites you to an AGU networking happy hour in the French Quarter. Please forward to your colleagues who will be in attendance.

Date: Wednesday 13 December

Time: 18:30-20:00

Location: The French Quarter, Hermes Bar, 725 St Louis St, New Orleans, LA 70130