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POLAR 2018 Conference

Davos, Switzerland
Working groups

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) are jointly organising the POLAR 2018 Conference in Davos, Switzerland, from 15-26 June 2018.


15-18 June 2018: SCAR and IASC/ASSW Business & Satellite Meetings

19-23 June 2018: SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference  

24-26 June 2018: SCAR Delegates Meeting & 2018 Arctic Observing Summit


The goal of POLAR2018 is to bring together excellent research from both poles, as well as from high altitude areas, focusing on the similar challenges those regions face. The program features 65 sessions, structured into 12 categories. In addition to the parallel sessions, central elements of the OSC will be keynote presentations, mini-symposia, extended poster sessions and exhibitions. The annual COMNAP symposium will be held during the OSC, as well as a plenary lecture from the 2018 Arctic Observing Summit as an opening to this biennial summit immediately after the OSC.


Access the conference program (19-23 June) here:


The sessions have been grouped into 12 categories; some sessions are linked to several categories. By choosing one of the categories, you will come to a new page, listing all sessions within the category. To read all the sessions in one document, access the overall Session Program (pdf).

AA Astrophysics and Astronomy

AC Atmosphere, Climate

BE Biology, Ecology, Ecosystems, Biodiversity

CR Cryosphere

EN Environment

GG Geology, Geophysics, Solid Earth

ME Medicine

OC Outreach and Communications

OS Ocean, Sea Ice

SH Social Sciences and Humanities

SY Observation Systems

TE Technology, Engineering


*Deadline extended to 12 November 2017 18:00 CET*


Registration for the Open Science Conference, the SCAR and IASC/ASSW business & satellite meetings and the 2018 Arctic Observing Summit opens 1 November 2017. Through the registration platform you can also book your accommodation:

Deadline dates

1 September 2017: Call for abstracts

12 November 2017: Extended abstract submission deadline and Early-bird registration opens

31 December 2017: Side meeting requests close

31 January 2018: Acceptance notification with oral/poster information

31 March 2018: Deadline side meeting requests

1 April 2018: Regular registration begins

26 May 2018: Late-fee registration begins

Further information

PAGES 2k Network project session

CLIVASH2K is a new project from PAGES and Future Earth. The aim is to improve our understanding of large-scale modes of climate variability and the mechanisms and drivers of climate change in Antarctica, the sub-Antarctic and the wider Southern Hemisphere during the past 2000 years.


CLIVASH2k is holding a half-day workshop at the POLAR2018 conference in Davos on Monday 18 June.

Interested researchers working on a wide range of paleoclimate archives (ice cores, marine records, terrestrial and modeling) are invited to join to discuss ideas and plan future activities within the CLIVASH2K framework.

The workshop will involve a small number of invited talks and plenty of discussion. Please contact Liz Thomas ( (lith[at]bas[dot]ac[dot]uk)) if you would like to attend and specify if you would be interested in providing a short presentation or have a specific idea you wish to discuss.

The workshop is open to everyone, but all participants must be registered for the main conference (

Workshop details

Monday 18 June 2018

8:00 - 13:00

Room A Forum

Post-meeting material

Read the meeting notes here.