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Part 2: Trace elements in speleothems: analytical techniques, sources, transport, partition, incorporation and climate-environmental significance

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The SISAL seminar series continues with a 2-part seminar by Andra Borsato. Andrea is based at the University of Newcastle, Australia and is an expert on karst hydrology, trace elements and speleothem-based reconstructions. He will talk about some fundamental concepts and his recent work with trace elements sources and transport, and incorporation and measurement in speleothems.


The seminar will be held in two parts, with each part presented twice to accommodate different time-zones. The details are below. We look forward to seeing you. Feel free to share the links with those who may be interested.

Trace elements in speleothems: analytical techniques, sources, transport, partition, incorporation and climate-environmental significance.

Part 1: Analytical techniques, sources and transport.

11th November, 8 pm Newcastle-Sydney time 
12th November, 9 am Newcastle-Sydney time

> Watch Part 1

Part 2: Partition, incorporation, and climate-environmental significance.
18th November, 8 pm Newcastle time
19th November, 9 am Newcastle time

> Watch Part 2

Further information

Contact the SISAL Steering Committee:

Find out more about SISAL: