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PAGES VWG Monthly Online Seminar - Francois Lapointe

Online meeting
Contact person
Celia Martin Puertas
E-Mail address
Working groups

The Varves Working Group (VWG) was active under the PAGES umbrella from 2009 to 2015 and is now an endorsed group.

The VWG have launched a monthly seminar series to talk about exciting research that would be of interest to the varve community. Early career scientists are especially encouraged to participate.


The seminars will be taking place virtually via Zoom/ MS Teams at 15:00 GMT and we will send details to join the meeting a few days before each seminar.

Subscribe to the VWG mailing list here:


Wednesday, 26 January at 15:00 GMT

On the origins of the Little Ice Age
Dr. Francois Lapointe
University of Massachusetts Amherst

> Watch the recording on the PAGES YouTube channel


Thursday, 24 February at 15:00 GMT

Calcite varves: lesson from lake monitoring
Dr. Patricia Roeser 
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemunde
> Calendar

Wednesday, 16 March at 15:00 GMT

Cryptotephra investigation in varved sedients: the challenges of high resolution
Ms. Amy Walsh
Royal Holloway University of London
> Calendar

More information

If you would like to find out more, or to enquire about giving a seminar on your research, please contact a member of the coordinating committee: