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First Swedish Climate Symposium 2022

Norrköping, Sweden

Showcasing Sweden’s contribution to climate research in a broad sense, with links to IPCC reports. We are looking to the future.


Date: 16–18 May, 2022
Venue: Louis De Geer Konsert & Kongress, Norrköping, Sweden


Climate change impacts human society, the physical environment and the ecosystems we depend on. The publication of the 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of the IPCC in 2021 & 2022 represents the latest landmark summary of our understanding of the physical climate system and how it is changing in response to human activity, as well as the impacts of climate change, mitigation options, and adaptation needs.   

Plenary sessions in the inaugural Swedish Climate Symposium 2022 will highlight the main conclusions of the AR6 and its consequences for Sweden. A series of topical parallel sessions will then bring together climate scientists to present their contributions to fundamental climate research, providing the necessary foundation for climate assessments such as the AR6. With these sessions, world-leading expertise will be presented in climate-related modelling, experimental and field work, the role of paleoclimate science, observations, impact studies, mitigation strategies, climate change interactions with biological diversity and ecosystem services, and the economic and governance aspects of climate change. Scheduled poster and mingle sessions will give scientists the opportunity to interact and forge new contacts.

We are pleased to announce devoted sessions where the media, politicians and societal actors will be able to meet and interact with scientists, with emphasis on the climate in a Swedish context.

The Symposium will be a unique opportunity for scientists to collectively reflect on and share their contributions to climate science. But perhaps most importantly, we will look into the future as a community, and seek to identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for the strengthened collaboration we need, nationally and internationally, to further deepen our understanding of climate change and its impacts, as well as the science-based, sustainable development needed to mitigate it.


16 May | IPCC AR6 Reports
Opening of conference
Håkan Wirtén, General Director of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and Ingrid Petersson, General Director of the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development(FORMAS).

Presentations of IPCC AR6 three Special Reports and the Joint IPCC/IPBES Workshop Report:
Professor Deliang Chen (University of Gothenburg) – The Physical Science Basis
Professor Emily Boyd (Lund University) – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability,
Professor Lars J Nilsson (Lund University) – Mitigation of Climate Change
Professor Henrik Smith (Lund University) – IPBES/IPCC Joint Workshop Report 

Parallel session on the AR6 Special Reports (in a Swedish context)
16.30–18.15    Sub-session: The Physical Science Basis    
16.30–18.15    Sub-session: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability        
16.30–18.15    Sub-session: Mitigation of Climate Change

17 May | Parallel Sessions
8.30–10.15 Sub-session: Mitigation Pathways and Climate Scenarios
8.30–10.15 Sub-session: Climate Change Impacts on Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services
8.30–10.15 Sub-session: Circulation in the Atmosphere
10.45–12.30 Sub-session: The Cryosphere and Polar Processes    
10.45–12.30 Sub-session: Climate Change Economics
10.45–12.30 Sub-session: Climate Extremes and Modelling

Lunch - Poster sessions

13.30–15.15 Sub-session: Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols
13.30–15.15 Sub-session: Land use and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Climate System
13.30–15.15 Sub-session: Ocean Circulation and Processes

15.45–17.30 Sub-session: The Hydrosphere
15.45–17.30 Sub-session: Climate Change Impacts on Sweden
15.45–17.30 Sub-session: Climate Justice and Welfare Change  
17.45 - Poster sessions

18 May | Connecting Science and People
08.00 Guiding of the exhibition Carbon Ruins
08.30-10 In Swedish: 10 insikter om klimatet (målgrupp: journalister och intressenter)
10.15-12.00 In Swedish: TBC
12.00-13. 00 LUNCH
12.00 samt 13.00 guidningar av utställningen Carbon Ruins
13.00-14.15 In Swedish: Att navigera som beslutsfattare (målgrupp: journalister, politiker och intressenter)


Day 1
Parallel Session | Focus AR6 reports
Sub-session 1a – The Physical Science Basis
Session conveners: Prof. Ilona Riipinen (Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University) + TBD
4–5 invitees. Keywords: Advances in attribution, Advances in climate modelling, Extremes, Carbon cycling and budgets, Short-lived climate forcers, Future scenarios

Sub-session 1b – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
Session conveners: Dr. Åsa Knaggård (Department of Political Science, Lund University), Dr. Mats Björkman (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg)
4–5 invitees. Keywords: Impacts on ecosystems and their services, Water, Food, Fibre, Infrastructure, Cities, Health, Sustainable development, Climate adaptation, Sweden, Vulnerability, Nature-based solutions, Responsibility, Regional impacts

Sub-session 1c – Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change
Session conveners: Dr. Claudia Mohr (Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University), Dr. Fariborz Zelli (Department of Political Science, Lund University)
4–5 invitees (TBC). Keywords: IPCC III, Paris Agreement, Climate change in the SDGs, Planetary boundaries, Digitalization, Climate transitions, Mitigation pathways, AFOLU, Investment, Finance

Day 2
Parallel Sessions | Climate Sciences
Sub-session 2a – Mitigation Pathways and Climate Scenarios
Session conveners: Dr. Zahra Kalantari (KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University), Dr. Johannes Stripple (Department of Political Science, Lund University).
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: mitigation pathways, BECCS, carbon dioxide removal technologies, geoengineering, lifestyle, AFOLU -, dietary-, biodiversity- and ES scenarios

Sub-session 2b – Climate Change Impacts on Biological Diversity and Ecosystem Services
Session conveners: Prof. Sara Cousins (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University), Prof. Henrik Smith (Centre for Environmental and Climate Sciences, Lund University)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: habitat loss, extinction, conservation, ecosystem resilience, historical, species climatic niche, species range shift, climate x land use change interactions, biodiversity and ES scenarios

Sub-session 2c – Atmospheric Circulation
Session conveners: Dr. Qiong Zhang (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University), Dr. Wilhelm May (Centre for Environmental and Climate Sciences, Lund University)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: Atmospheric modes of variability, Monsoon systems, Atmospheric teleconnections, Sub-seasonal atmospheric variability, Clouds and convection, Land-atmosphere interactions, CMIP6, PMIP

Sub-session 3a – The Cryosphere and Polar Processes
Session conveners: Dr. Gustaf Hugelius (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University), Dr. Margareta Johansson (Department of Physical geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: Sea ice, snow, glaciers, ice sheets, permafrost, Arctic carbon cycle.

Sub-session 3b – Climate Change Economics
Session conveners: Dr. Jakob Skovgaard (Department of Political Science, Lund University), Dr. Marion Dupoux (Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg).
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: welfare, discount rates, and intra- and intergenerational justice, bioeconomy, carbon pricing, fossil fuel subsidies

Sub-session 3c – Climate Extremes and Modelling
Session conveners: Dr. Malin Kylander (Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Prof. Delaing Chen (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts (TBD). Keywords: land-atmosphere coupling, historical records, drought, heatwaves, wildfires, precipitation extremes

Sub-session 4a – Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols
Session conveners: Dr. Moa Sporre (Department of Physics, Lund University), Dr. Paul Zieger (Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: atmospheric and aerosol processes, air quality, emissions, SLCF, radiative forcing, co-benefits with climate policies

Sub-session 4b – Land use and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Climate System
Session conveners: Dr. Heather Reese (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg), Dr. Paul Miller (Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: land use scenarios, land use feedbacks, land carbon sinks,  land use policy, past-present-future, wetlands, disturbances, vegetation dynamics, biodiversity

Sub-session 4c – Ocean Circulation and Processes
Session conveners: Dr. Céline Heuzé (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg), Dr. Torben Königk (The Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meterological Institute (SMHI))
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords:

large scale circulation, coastal currents, AMOC, thermohaline processes, ocean mixing, deep water formation, heat and freshwater budgets, air-sea interactions, thermal and dynamical sea level changes models, observations and remote sensing,past, present and future climates

Sub-session 5a – The Hydrosphere
Session conveners: Prof. Berit Arheimer (Hydrological Research at the Swedish Meterological Institute (SMHI)), Dr. Fernando Jaramillo (Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University)
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts (TBD). Keywords: sea level, aquatic processes, lakes, limnology, freshwater cycle, wetlands 

Sub-session 5b – Climate Change Impacts on Sweden
Session conveners: Prof. Erik Kjellström (The Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meterological Institute (SMHI)) and Dr. Johanna Alkan Olsson (Centre of Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University).
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts (TBD). Keywords: CORDEX, downscaling, societal and urban impacts, health impacts, Swedish air quality, hydrological, ecosystem disturbances, information for adaptation

Sub-session 5c – Climate Justice and Welfare Change
Session conveners: Dr. Torsten Krause (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Lund University) and Dr. Vasna Ramasar (Department of Human Geography, Lund University).
3–5 submitted and refereed abstracts. Keywords: sustainable welfare, degrowth / post-growth, livelihoods, resilience, just transition, climate movements/mobilisation, intergenerational equity

Poster sessions


All abstracts must arrive 15 February 2022 at 23:59:59 C.E.T. at the latest.
More information on abstracts:


Registration deadline:

- Registration for organising members 15 March
- Registration at the latest 1 April 2022 at 23:59:59 C.E.T.

Conference fees
The conference fee is based on five attendee categories:

Physical participation: 2400 SEK
Covers 3 x lunches, banquet, social events and conference materials.

Physical participation day ticket: 1200 SEK
Covers 1 lunch and conference materials.

Digital participation: 1000 SEK
Covers streaming and allows following the presentations and sessions from home.

18 May: physical participation – 300 SEK, digital participation – 400 SEK
Physical participation fee covers lunch and conference materials.

Invited speakers and members of the organising organisations: 0 SEK
Applies to keynote speakers, session conveners and BECC, Bolin Centre, MERGE and SMHI members only.
Note: BECC, Bolin Centre, MERGE and SMHI members may be subjected to a registration fee if cancellation is done after 15th of April.

More information

Visit the website: