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54th Annual Meeting of AASP - The Palynological Society

Manizales, CAL, Colombia
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54th Annual Meeting of AASP-The Palynological Society


Date: 7-11 August 2022 

Venue: Manizales, Colombia


Organized jointly with The Latin America Association of Paleobotany and Palynology (ALPP) and the Online Pollen Catalogs Network (RCPoL)

Spanish version follows English version (la versión española sigue a la versión inglesa)

In 2022, the annual meeting of the AASP-TSP will be held in Colombia for the first time and for the second time in South America. For this reason, we want to celebrate the palynological diversity of the Neotropics and make this event an opportunity to include the diversity of the palynological community.

This meeting will have a hybrid format (in-person/online). This meeting will also include the participation of the Latin American Society of Paleobotany and Palynology (ALPP), and the Online Pollen Catalogs Network (RCPoL). The meeting will take place in Manizales, a traditional coffee city.


Manizales and the Institute of Investigations in Stratigraphy (IIES) at Universidad de Caldas will welcome the global palynological community.

The conference will take place at the Rogelio Salmona Building and the IIES – Instituto de Estratigrafía y Sedimentología at the Universidad de Caldas. The Rogelio Salmona Building is a cultural center with a modern architecture built to celebrate the culture of Manizales and to promote innovation, education, and research.

Due to Colombian biosecurity COVID regulations and the policy of the University of Caldas, we cannot accept any unvaccinated delegates to register for in-person attendance. We ask that those who fit into this category register for online attendance. Additionally, the use of a face mask covering the nose and mouth will be required due to the resolution published by  the University of Caldas in January 2022.

Abstract submission

Please follow the template on this website (click AASP_2022_meeting_Abstract_-Submission_Form) for the submission of your Abstract.

Submissions which do not adhere to this format will be returned for editing before acceptance. Abstract should be sent to (aaspmeetings[at]gmail[dot]com).

Deadline: 15 April

Important dates

Deadline to propose sessions: 15 February

Abstracts submission: 15 January  –  15 April extended 15 May

Early registration: 15 January – 31 March extended 15 April

Regular registration: 1 April – 1 August

Photo(s) submission: 1 July

Registration and fees

Register online here:!event/2022/8/7/54th-annual-meeting-of-the-aasp-tps-manizales-colombia-7-11-08-2022

For an overview of fees, visit the website:

Conference program

Sunday, 7 August

Pre-meeting field trip Volcano Nevado del Ruiz and Laguna Negra (Quaternary)

Pre-meeting workshop SDAR online (this workshop will have place on Saturday, Aug. 6, 2022)

Pre-meeting course of palinostratigraphy

Outgoing Board Meeting

Early career night

Monday, 8 August


Morning session

Afternoon session

Posters session

Welcome Happy hour

Tuesday, 9 August

Registration table

Morning session

Afternoon session

Posters session

Happy hour

Wednesday, 10 August 

Registration table

Morning session

Students/Mentors Lunch

Afternoon session

Group photo

Posters session

Closure event

Dinner Business AASP-TPS

Thursday, 11 August 

Post-meeting field trip to Chinchina and coffee production farm

Post-meeting workshop SDAR in-person

Post-meeting course of applied Middle East Late Palaeozoic palynology: solving geological problems

Incoming Board meeting


1. Introduction to Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R (SDAR), a Quantitative Toolkit to Analyze Stratigraphic Data.

Dates: online 06 Aug. 2021 / in-person 11 Aug. 2022

Schedule: 9-12 a.m. / 2-5 p.m. GMT-5 (6 hours)

Instructor: M.Sc. John R. Ortiz, research fellow of the Colombian Geological Survey (SGC). M.Sc. degree in Geospatial Technologies (Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Germany), and main developer of the package: Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R (SDAR).

Cost in person: US$ 10 for students; US$ 20 for professional members; US$ 25 for professional non-members

Cost online: 5 dollars

Description: Stratigraphic Columns (SC) are the most useful and common ways to represent the field descriptions e.g., grain size, lithology, thickness, sedimentary structures, and fossil content, of rock sequences and well logs. Typically, these representations are drawn “manually” using vector graphic editors. There are several software packages available that automatically plots Scs. However, there are no versatile open-source tools to perform these processes. Moreover, it is very difficult to both store and analysis stratigraphic information. Therefore, this workshop will provide an introduction to SDAR, an analytical package designed for both plotting and facilitating the analysis of stratigraphic data using the R programming language. Participants will be introduced to SDAR and work through examples of data sets. SDAR uses simple stratigraphic data and takes advantage of the flexible plotting tools available in R to produce detailed SCs. The main benefits of SDAR are (a) used to generate accurate and complete SC plots including multiple features (e.g., sedimentary structures, samples, fossil content, color, structural data); (b) developed in a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

Details of SDAR package available at:

2. Course of palinostratigraphy

Dates: in-person, Sunday 07 Aug. 2022

Schedule: 8:30-12 a.m. / 2-5 p.m. GMT-5

Cost: US$ 10 for students, US$ 20 for professional members, US$ 25 for professional non-members

Instructor: Mercedes di Pascuo. Doctorate in Geology (Ph.D. 1999), and teacher of semestral courses of Mineralogy, Paleontology, and Palynostratigraphy (1988-2008), at University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in Argentina. Permanent Researcher of CONICET since 2002, transferred to the CICYTTP (Diamante, Entre Ríos) in 2010, to found and be responsible for the Palynostratigraphy and Palaeobotany Laboratory. Post-doctoral Fulbright Fellow (2009) and Affiliate Associate Professor (ad-honorem since 2010) at University of Idaho. Senior Researcher of the Brazilian Program “Science without borders” (CNPq 2013-2014). Supervisor of doctoral and post- doctoral students of CONICET and foreign institutions. Her researches conduct different subjects along the Phanerozoic for and with students and colleagues from numerous countries of America and elsewhere. President of the Latin American Association of Paleobotany and Palynology (ALPP 2009-2024,, and among her obligations are to be involved in the organization of the two symposia of Paleobotany and Palynology held in Argentina and Brazil every three years. Member of the board of the Pollen Catalog Network (since 2013, Oil industry consultant. Reviewer of journals, scientific events, member of several commissions of evaluation, among other activities.

3. Applied Middle East Late Palaeozoic Palynology: solving geological problems

Dates: in-person Thursday 11 Aug. 2022

Schedule: 8:30-12 a.m. / 2-5 p.m. GMT-5

Cost: US$ 10 students, US$ 20 professional members, US$ 25 professional non-members

Instructor: Prof Mike Stephenson has over 25 years of experience in applied palynology with a particular focus on the Middle East with over 40 peer-reviewed papers on the area and more than 100 peer-reviewed papers overall. Mike began his career with a PhD at Sheffield University on the palynology of the Carboniferous-Permian of Saudi Arabia and Oman focusing on the Unayzah and Al Khlata formations with sample material from Saudi Aramco and Petroleum Development Oman. In 2003 Mike along with other industry professionals published a palynological biozonation for the Carboniferous-Permian of Saudi Arabia and Oman which is still in use today and which has helped to elucidate many stratigraphic problems across the Middle East establishing new correlations and relationships within complex glacial and post glacial sequences of a fast-evolving Gondwana region. Following his PhD, Mike worked with all the major companies in the Middle East on sequences from the Ordovician to the Triassic but mainly on the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. Mike has published widely quoted reviews of the Permian of the world and is the Vice Chair of the Sub-commission on Permian Stratigraphy. He was also the Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier scientific journal Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology between 2009 and 2021 and has Professorships at the universities of Leicester, Nottingham, Milan (Italy) and Nanjing (China). His most recent a palynology work focuses on the Permian and Triassic of Israel and Jordan.

Description of the course: This course will cover aspects of Palaeozoic applied palynology for the Middle East – an area where palynology still has a significant impact. The course begins with a basic description of the lithology, structure, and geological history of the Middle East Late Palaeozoic. It then describes some of the problems solved by palynology in sequences where seismic and logs do not provide the certainty required. It looks into the chief groups of spores and pollen in Middle Eastern Late Palaeozoic successions, spending time on around 20 of the most important single palynomorph taxa that have special stratigraphic significance for correlation and palynological characterisation. The last part of the course concentrates on case studies and real applications of Late Palaeozoic palynology in problem-solving both in relation to Earth history but also specific to industry. Regional case studies will cover the Carboniferous-Permian of Oman, the Devonian of Saudi Arabia, the Hercynian unconformity in Iraq, the Carboniferous-Permian of the Pakistan Salt Range, and the Permian-Triassic of Israel and Jordan. Industry case studies will cover the Jauf and Unayzah formations, and the Al Khlata and Gharif formations, as well as palynology and reservoir heterogeneity, well steering and facies time slices.

Organizing comittee

Andres Pardo

Ingrid Romero

Angelo Plata

Damian Cardenas

Carlos Sánchez Botero

Contact information: (aaspmeetings[at]gmail[dot]com)

More information

Visit the website for more information on the AASP - The Palynological Society here:

For details of the 54th AASP meeting, visit the website here.