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A synthesis of Cenozoic paleoceanographic proxies for seawater oxygenation

Bergen, Norway
Workshop report
Meeting Category


This hybrid workshop takes places in Bergen, Norway, on 3 September 2022 in conjunction with ICP14. Colleagues working on the development and calibration of seawater oxygen proxies are welcome. Due to logistical reasons, the workshop will be limited to 30 participants.


The workshop goal is to facilitate a conversation around and generate a review of Cenozoic paleoceanographic proxies for assessing seawater oxygen concentrations (qualitative and quantitative), with in-depth discussion of potential restrictions, issues, and specific regional applications. Over the last decade, various new proxy methods have been proposed, while there has simultaneously been refinement of traditional proxies. Thus, it is our belief that developing a state-of-the-art synthesis and enhancing community discussion in this area would be a timely contribution to the field.

Background: Ocean deoxygenation is a pressing issue, with climate models predicting that the recently discovered declining trend will continue well into the future. In order to extend seawater oxygen records, and to understand longer-term (> centennial and millennial time-scales), paleoceanographers are actively developing and refining proxy methods to assess seawater oxygenation.

Over the last decade various new proxy methods have been proposed that complement existing ones, but there have also been advances / refining of traditionally used proxies.

During this 1 day hybrid-workshop we will bring together researchers who have been leading the development and application of both traditional and new proxy methods using marine sedimentary archives. This includes proxy methods to assess bottom water oxygenation: sedimentology, sediment redox trace elements, corals, benthic foraminifera assemblages, morphology and trace elements; and methods to assess pelagic subsurface water oxygenation: planktonic foraminifera assemblage, nitrogen isotopes, trace elements and morphology.  

The meeting will initiate and/or develop the writing of a planned synthesis paper through a series of break-out sessions and will also involve time to discuss key global perspectives and the potential coordination for an application for a PAGES working group. 

Application / registration

Application form:

Registration deadline: 1 May

For general inquiries please email: (ICP2022[dot]02[at]gmail[dot]com)


  • Babette Hoogakker, Heriot-Watt University
  • Dharma A. Reyes Macaya, MARUM-Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, Lyell Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, and Millennium Science Initiative Program Nucleo Milenio UPWELL, La Serena, Chile
  • Jorge Cardich, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Catherine Davis, North Caroline State University
  • Katrina Nilsson-Kerr, Bergen University

More information

Additional information about the workshop can be found: