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Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS)

Lima, LIM, Peru
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The Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future and the Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System are planned for 19-23 September in Lima, Peru. Although the conference aims to be in-person, options for virtual participation will be provided.


The meeting will bring together PhD students, early career scientists and world experts to understand, review, and synthesize what is known about dynamics, sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems and their living resources to climate variability, change and extreme events.

The Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS) provide valuable ecosystem services for the biosphere and for humankind. These areas, geographically covering the Canary and Benguela Current Systems in the Atlantic Ocean and the California and Humboldt Current Systems in the Pacific Ocean, provide more fish per unit area than any other part of the global ocean, thus contributing to security livelihood strategies and food in many countries.

EBUS ecosystems have complex interactions between physical and biogeochemical dynamics and are subject to significant spatial and temporal variability on scales of meters/minutes to thousands of kilometers/centuries. EBUS are then sentinels of anthropogenic driven climate change that is of increasing concern due to global warming and its impact on marine ecosystems.

The first International Humboldt Conference took place in Lima-Peru in 2006 and led to a significant breakthrough in our understanding of how climate variability affects the Southeast Pacific EBUS. It also highlighted the importance of the Humboldt system as a management unit, and of the need for an integrated multidisciplinary approach, including state-of-the-art tools such as remote sensing and numerical modelling. In 2008, an international symposium on EBUS was held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, being the first one in covering the four main EBUS and considering all aspects of their dynamics, structure and functioning


The programme of the conference will focus on three thematic axes as follows:

    Thematic Axis 1. Ocean physics and associated biogeochemical processes in relation to climate variability and climate change:
        Session 1 : Paleoceanography of EBUS
        Session 2 : Physical and biogeochemical changes in World's EBUS: Present and Future.
        Session 3 : Natural and forced variability of the CO2 fluxes in EBUS
        Session 4 : Extreme events in EBUS
        Session 5 : Deoxygenation in EBUS
        Session 6 : Bays in Upwelling Systems
        Session 7 : Understanding the driving factors of marine productivity in EBUS
        Session 8 : Diversity and interactions of microbial/planktonic foodweb in EBUS and the role of small to large scale processes on the functioning of their ecosystem
        Session 9 : Instrumenting and monitoring EBUS
        Session 10 : Modelling physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes to disentangle the complexity of EBUS

    Thematic Axis 2. Living resources, fisheries and adaptations to environmental variability:
        Session 11 : EBUS: the power of microbial life responses in a changing coastal environment
        Session 12 : Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in EBUS
        Session 13 : Zooplankton diversity and adaptation to climate change in EBUS
        Session 14 : New technology to augment the efficacy of marine biodiversity monitoring and elucidate drivers of fishery dynamics in EBUS
        Session 15 : Connectivity of marine biodiversity in a changing ocean
        Session 16 : EBUS dynamics, environmental stressors and coastal resources
        Session 17 : Shedding light in the darkness: New insights on the deep-ocean ecosystems of the major EBUS
        Session 18 : Fish population dynamics and stock assessment
        Session 19 : Recent surprises of fisheries and ecosystem dynamics of EBUS: known and unknowns
        Session 20 : Biology, ecology, and fishery of the Peruvian anchoveta in the Humboldt Current System
        Session 21 : Demersal resources in the EBUS

    Thematic Axis 3. Socio-ecological vulnerability to climate change and extreme events
        Session 22 : Coupled human and ecological dynamics during the Holocene along the Humboldt Upwelling Ecosystem
        Session 23 : Managing Fisheries and Marine Resources in EBUS: Monitoring, Assessment and the Development of Key Indicators for Improved Decision Making
        Session 24 : Artisanal fisheries in EBUS
        Session 25 : Tipping points and regime shifts in EBUS across different spatial and temporal scales
        Session 26 : Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in EBUS
        Session 27 : Towards the establishment of integrated multidisciplinary Earth-system observational and modeling systems in EBUS
        Session 28 : Engaging citizen science, traditional knowledge, and scientific research for the formulation of management strategies, pollution mitigation and public policies in EBUS

The conference will include keynote presentations, oral, and poster sessions, as well as workshops, where smaller groups can discuss specific aspects of EBUS (i.e., low oxygen, modeling, etc.). Although the conference aims to be in-person, options for virtual participation will be provided. Early career scientists are encouraged to attend, and events will be programmed to promote research by younger generations and provide opportunities for networking. An evening lecture open to the general public will place scientific issues within the reach of the audience. At the end of the conference a summary of the meeting will be provided and discussed with an executive panel composed of decision makers and academia. The conference will foment discussion of the science, ecosystem services and management in EBUS and in relation to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.


Call for Sessions
opening: October 25, 2021
closing: January 16, 2022

Call for Abstracts
opening: March 7, 2022
closing: April 15, 2022
The deadline has been extended to 3 May 2022
submit your abstract here:

opening: May 1, 2022
closing: August 15, 2022

EBUS Conference
opening: September 19, 2022
closing: September 23, 2022

Organizing Committee

Dimitri Gutiérrez

Renato Guevara

Ivonne Montes
IGP, Perú

Ruben Escribano
IMO, Chile

Itahisa Déniz González

François Colas
IRD, France

Francisco Chavez

Javier Arístegui
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Sarah Fawcett
University of Cape Town

Further Information

For more information visit: