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Seminar Series on sea-level changes, GIA and ice sheets: Wilson & Wiens

Online meeting
Contact person
Natalya Gomez
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Working groups


As a group under the combined auspices of the WCRP, PAGES' PALSEA working group, SERCE and the IAG sub-commission 3.4, group leaders started a once-a-month virtual seminar series dealing with sea-level changes, GIA, and ice sheets in 2021.

This monthly seminar series is intended to engage a broad community in advance of future workshops organized by PALSEA-SERCE and the WCRP, and to stimulate discussion and ideas for collaboration and synthesis in this multidisciplinary community.

The webinar series will continue in the coming months leading up to the WCRP Sea Level Meeting ( and PALSEA workshop (, both in Singapore and online in July, 2022.

Next seminar

10 May (2 p.m. Eastern, 11am Pacific, 8 p.m. Central European)
11 May (6:00 a.m. Wellington, N.Z.)

Terry Wilson and Doug Wiens on “Cryosphere – Solid Earth Interactions in Antarctica: Insights from Geodetic and Seismic Measurements”

Speaker bios

Terry Wilson is Academy Professor in the School of Earth Sciences and senior research scientist in the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at the Ohio State University. With her research group and collaborators, she investigates the structural architecture of Antarctica and the interactions between the solid Earth and the Antarctic ice sheet, using structural field observations, geophysical and geodetic data; she has spent 25 austral summers collecting field data in Antarctica. The Antarctic Network (ANET) of the Polar Earth Observing Network (POLENET), a collaborative project led by Wilson, operates autonomous GNSS and seismic sensors across West Antarctica. 

Doug Wiens is the Robert S. Brookings Professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University in St Louis.  He has worked extensively on the structure of the Antarctic continent, as well as ice quakes and other seismic phenomena in Antarctica.  He has participated in the development of seismic instrumentation and the deployment of seismographs in Antarctica going back to the 1990s.  He also works on the structure and seismicity of subduction zones in the Western Pacific, using data from ocean bottom seismographs.  


Register in advance for the webinar here:

Future seminars

The final seminar before the WCRP and PALSEA meetings in July will be held on:

June 14  - (1400 UTC) Sally Brown “Impacts and adaptation to sea-level rise” and Ivan Haigh “The impact of sea-level rise on storm surge barriers” 

Organizing committee

Organizers from WCRP Sea Level Grand Challenges, IAG Subcommission on Cryosphere Deformation, PALSEA and SCAR-INSTANT