17 - 20 July 2022
Joyden hall, Singapore
The PALEO constraints on SEA-level rise (PALSEA) working group addresses the greatest uncertainty in projecting future sea-level rise, which lies in predicting melt contributions from Earth’s remaining ice sheets.
The observational period of climate variability spans, at best, only the last century, which hinders gaining a full understanding of ice sheet and sea level changes under different temperature and CO2 forcing, and to broaden this observational window, we can study geologic records that span thousands of years and provide valuable archives of how ice sheets and sea level have responded to past climate variability, particularly during periods of extended warmth. The information contained in the geological records therefore help assess the relationship between ice sheets, sea level and climate change, providing a firm basis for projecting future changes.
This year, the PALSEA 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in Singapore and brings observational scientists and icesheet, climate, and sea-level modelers together in order to better define observational constraints on past sea-level change and improve our understanding of ice-sheet responses to rapid climate change.
17 July: The meeting will start with an optional field excursion
18 - 20 July: Workshop days
The meeting is organized (and co-sponsored) by the Earth Observatory of Singapore (A. Meltzner, A. Switzer, and B. Horton), and will also include a hybrid option.
The abstract deadline is 06 June 2022, 23:59 UTC.
More information on abstract submission is available at this page: https://www.palsea2022.org/public.asp?page=submit_abstracts.asp
There is no charge for abstract submission, but registration and attendance at the conference (whether in person or online) will be conditional upon the attendee presenting an abstract.
This abstract requirement may be waived on a case-by-case basis for more senior researchers whose students or other advisees are already presenting abstracts at the meeting.
This exception is made to encourage the active participation of ECRs (including students) and to disincentivize senior researchers from presenting the work of their advisees.
Students’ and ECRs’ work should be presented by the students and ECRs who have actually done the work — at this PALSEA meeting, we will strongly encourage this.
If you are a more senior scientist who wishes to attend without presenting, and if your students or other advisees intend to present their own first-author abstracts at this meeting, then you may request an abstract waiver for yourself by e-mailing palsea2022meetmatt.net (palsea2022[at]meetmatt[dot]net).
Otherwise, the registration system will not allow you to register without linking to an abstract that you intend to present.
There is a limit of two abstracts per submitting author, and each registration will cover a maximum of two abstracts, though there are no requirements that the presenting author must be the first author or the same as the submitting author.
Keynote speakers
April Dalton (Charles University, Czech Republic): North American ice sheet dynamics over the last glacial cycle: data and data-model comparisons
Tamsin Edwards (Kings College London, UK): The many possible faces of Antarctica in the warm Pliocene: how much can we constrain modelling uncertainties with palaeodata?
Nicole Khan (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong): title tbc
Yusuke Yokoyama (The University of Tokyo, Japan): title tbc
Important information
Please be aware that the deadline for ECR funding support has now passed.
More information
Information on the workshop is available at the meeting website: https://www.palsea2022.org
Post meeting material
Global Temperature and Sea-level Change Over the Last 4.5 Myr
Shakun J, Clark PU, Rosenthal Y, Köhler, Schrag D, Pollard D, Hostetler S, Liu Z, Bartlein P, Pisias N & Mix H.
Current understanding of global temperature and sea-level change over the Plio-Pleistocene remains poorly constrained and highly uncertain. We address these issues by reconstructing regional and global temperature evolution using ~120 published SST records that span some to all of the last 4.5 Myr. We use the resulting globally averaged SST difference to derive differences in global mean surface temperature and mean ocean temperature. We subtract reconstructed changes in mean ocean temperature from a global benthic oxygen isotope stack to derive the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater. We then reconstruct global mean sea level from our seawater isotope record by accounting for temperature effects on the isotopic composition of the main global ice sheets. Our reconstructions suggest that global cooling between 4.0-0.8 Ma was accompanied by intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation by 2.5 Ma, with subsequent fluctuations of large, LGM-like ice sheets occurring under a range of temperatures and temperature variability. These results present fundamental challenges to our understanding of ice sheet-climate interactions, including controls on ice-sheet inception and growth, and require a reassessment of hypotheses for the middle Pleistocene transition that invoke an increase in ice-sheet volume.
Item Type
Conference (Talk)
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> Watch the PALSEA 2022 thank you video