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Data Assimilation Workshop

Online meeting


Free virtual workshop from 22-24 August 2022.


Past climate offers a vast canvas for exploring the dynamics and natural variability in the climate system. Proxy data (e.g., ice cores, sediment cores, speleothems, etc.) and climate models offer two fantastic ways of exploring the climate system, and both approaches have strengths and weaknesses. Data assimilation is a method of combining information from proxies and models to create spatially complete reconstructions of past climate.

In this workshop, we’ll explore the topic of paleoclimate data assimilation in several ways. Research talks will explore current and ongoing data assimilation work; lessons will dive into the topics of proxies, models, the mathematics of data assimilation (and more!); and activities will allow participants to get hands on with existing climate reconstructions and run their own.


The workshop will take place online on August 22-24, 2022. The 2.5-day workshop will consist of live online talks, asynchronous coding activities, and discourse with fellow workshop attendees over Slack. Users should have a basic understanding of python as coding activities will involve the use and modification of interactive python notebooks.

Users will learn about:

  • The mathematics and purpose of paleoclimate data assimilation
  • Past and current research using data assimilation
  • Existing proxy and climate model products you can use in your own work
  • How to access, analyze, and run paleoclimate reconstructions


To apply to the workshop, please fill out this application form:


The full schedule is available online:


  • Michael Erb, School of Earth and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University
  • Nick McKay, School of Earth and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University
  • Nathan Steiger, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
  • Sylvia Dee, Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Rice University
  • Chris Hancock, School of Earth and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University

Read more about the organizers here:

More information

For more information, visit the website: