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SCAR Instabilities and thresholds in Antarctica (INSTANT) Conference 2023

Trieste, TS, Italy


Date: 11-14 September 2023

Location: Trieste, Italy

Venue: Trieste Convention Center


The INStabilities & Thresholds in ANTarctica (INSTANT) Scientific Research Programme (SRP) will address a first-order question about Antarctica’s contribution to sea level. It encompasses geoscience, physical sciences and biological sciences, of the way in which interactions between the ocean, atmosphere and cryosphere have influenced ice-sheets in the past, and what expectations will be in the future with a special focus on quantifying the contributions to global sea level change.

The aim of the SRP is to “quantify the Antarctic ice sheet contribution to past and future global sea-level change, from improved understanding of climate, ocean and solid Earth interactions and feedbacks with the ice, so that decision-makers can better anticipate and assess the risk in order to manage and adapt to sea-level rise and evaluate mitigation pathways”.

You can find out more about the INSTANT Scientific Research Programme here:

About the conference

The priority focus of the conference will be on improving knowledge of the key rate- determining processes, instabilities and potential irreversibilities that affect the mass change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its contribution to past, present and future global sea-level.  We invite leading and emerging experts, as well as early career researchers (ECRs), from modellers to observationalists, to present and discuss the state of the science and critical knowledge gaps. We also invite perspectives from the stakeholder and practitioner communities, and will discuss best practices in communication and engagement.

Conference format

Morning plenaries with 3 keynote speakers and short talk;

Afternoon workshops by the different groups of INSTANT and external initiatives (ISMASS, RINGS etc..).

Posters will be displayed during the entire duration of the conference to optimize interactions amongst the participants.

Workshop: CLIVASH-2K and INSTANT sub-committee on proxies and processes

Registration is open for the INSTANT workshop organized by CLIVASH-2K and the INSTANT sub-committee on proxies and processes. 

The CLIVASH-2K and INSTANT sub-committee on proxies and processes will be hosting a workshop in the afternoon on 12 September 2023, as part of the INSTANT2023 conference.

This workshop intends to engage a broad spectrum of the scientific community working on atmosphere-ocean-ice interactions over seasonal to centennial timescales and understanding the role of sea ice and winds in Antarctic surface mass balance variability. Our aims for this workshop are to identify where are the current gaps to better resolve the role of sea ice and winds in driving Antarctic surface mass balance variability over seasonal to centennial timescales.

This workshop is open to paleoclimatologists working on a range of archives (such as ice cores, lake sediments, marine records, and terrestrial records), climatologists and climate modellers. The workshop will include short presentations and discussion sessions.

If you are interested in participating in our workshop, please register by filling out the following form:

The registration deadline is 31 August

If you have any problems filling out the form please contact Dieter Tetzner: (dietet95[at]bas[dot]ac[dot]uk)


> Register online 

Key speakers/lecturers

  • Florence Colleoni (National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) - Italy
  • Quentin Dalaiden* (Univ. Louvain la Neuve) - France
  • Gisela  Winckler (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, LDEO) - USA
  • Petra Langebroek  (NORCE) - Norway
  • Grace Nield*  (Durham University) - UK
  • Nicholas Holschuh (Massachusset University) - USA
  • Alan Aitken  (University of Western Australia) - Australia
  • Jeremy  Bassis (University of Michigan) - USA
  • Helene Seroussi* (Dartmouth University) - USA
  • Rob DeConto (University of Massachussets) - USA
  • Benjamin Hamlington  (Research Scientists) - USA
  • Pam Pearson (ICCI) - International
  • Pierpaolo Campostrini (CORILA) - Italy
  • Roderick  van der Wal (Utrecht University) -The Netherlands
  • Valérie Masson-Delmotte (LSCE) - France
  • Marjolijn Haasnoot (Deltares) – The Netherlands
  • Rebecca Priestley (Victoria University of wellington) – New Zealand
  • Jochen  Hinkel (Global Climate Forum) - Germany
  • Steven Chown (Monash University) – South Africa

* indicates (ECRs)

More information on the SCAR INSTANT conference

> The programme is available on the conference website:

> 2nd Circular

Visit the conference website:

INSTANT conference 2023