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Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2023 (SRI2023)

Panama City, Panama

The SRI2023 will be taking place from 26 - 30 June 2023 in Panama City, Panama and online.


The Sustainability Research & Innovation (SRI) Congress is the world’s largest transdisciplinary gathering for the global sustainability community. The third edition of the SRI Congress, SRI2023, will be hosted by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Panama (SENACYT) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) in June 2023, bringing this global event to the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

SRI unites more than 2000 global sustainability research leaders, government and civil society experts, funders and innovators to inspire action and promote a sustainability transformation. This global, annual event elevates diverse knowledge on sustainability, provides an inspiring platform to share innovative ideas, and creates an inclusive space for collaboration and action. SRI is a joint initiative of Future Earth and the Belmont Forum.

SRI2023 Themes

1. Turning the Tide for Climate: Collaborative Action for Institutional Transformation

Climate change requires urgent action that engages all sectors of society and transforms fundamental institutions and systems that underpinning our societies. But how to build these new impact coalitions and how to make them fair and effective and equitable? How can these new and diverse collaborations accelerate a rapid, sustainable and positive change that doesn’t deepen but rather reduce existing inequalities? What are the tradeoffs and how do we manage them? SRI2023 will explore pathways to informed and just changes in critical systems, such as political/governance, financial, legal, tax, energy and production, transport, research, education and value systems through the lenses of:

    Environmental and social justice
    New concepts and measurements of wealth, value, merit and well-being
    Sustainable consumption and production (including clean energy)
    Opportunities and ethics of technological innovation, including carbon mitigation and drawdown
    Cohesive legal frameworks for addressing interrelated climate / environmental challenges and disasters and advancing climate action
    Evidence uptake and informed decision-making
    North-north and south-south collaboration for systems change

2. Healthy and Inclusive Communities

Health and well-being are a foundation for thriving and sustainable societies. Yet changes to natural life support systems are already impacting our health, risking recent public health and development gains. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed and deepened health inequalities while highlighting the importance of public health and international cooperation. What were the lessons learned and how does that drive health systems transformation? SRI2023 will explore diverse ways of improving health and well-being around the world. This includes:

    Medical, public health and social research and innovation, including knowledge from traditional medicine practitioners and south-south collaboration
    Mental health and wellness during and after Covid-19, climate anxiety
    Planetary health: adaptation and mitigation responses to triple threat (pollution, biodiversity loss, climate change), such as development of urban blue/green spaces
    Pandemic preparedness and one health
    Water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH)
    Equity and community-led adaptation
    Participatory and citizen science

3. A Peaceful Planetary Mind

Our cultural and social environments play a critical role in shaping the ways we observe the world, behave, set expectations and define priorities. Sustainability transformations will require adapting many behaviors and social conventions, and developing new social narratives and shared visions of the future. Fundamentally, building new bridges and resolving conflicts arising from tradeoffs and inequality will also be needed for achieving a way to live sustainably within the boundaries of a stable Earth system. How can we achieve planetary solidarity and accept the joint stewardship of planet Earth? SRI2023 invites novel perspectives to:

    Environmental peace building
    Science diplomacy
    Culture, heritage, art and spirituality as resources for sustainability transitions
    Indigenous and local leadership
    Futures literacy and leadership
    Access to knowledge and ways to reconcile diverse perspectives in an increasingly polarized world (open science, journalism, media, etc.)

4. Latin America and the Caribbean Science and Innovation for Sustainability

One of the key objectives of SRI2023 is to showcase the richness of Latin American and Caribbean science and innovation in sustainability. From tested local solutions to advanced academic research, the LAC region has a wealth of knowledge and innovation to offer to the wider world. In addition, SRI2023 is hoping to strengthen the regional dialogue and networks by offering an inclusive platform for increased visibility and collaboration. We will emphasize the following approaches:

    Biodiversity / water co-management strategies
    Approaches to sustainable mining and agricultural practices
    Sustainable tourism in vulnerable regions
    Latin American and Caribbean diaspora as a resource for innovative transformation

PAGES supported short course: Sustainability science short course pilot project

Date: Fri Jun 30
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM GMT -5 / 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM 
Venue: Panama Convention Center, Caribe 4

Sustainability science short course pilot project

The 2 hour Training Workshop window will be divided into the following modules. We will use active learning pedagogy so that participants can discover results and form their own conclusions and takeaways, and also inject fresh ideas and perspectives into the session leaders’ thinking: [5/5/5 mins] Motivation: Why a common language and grounding in key ideas matters.  We will begin with an icebreaker in which the leaders miscommunicate across disciplines in common ways (prerecorded video, or live role-play), an online survey of knowledge, and discussion of the results.  1. [15/15/15/15/15 mins] 5 Easy Pieces in Sustainability Science: 10 minute introductions  (with 5 mins discussion/Q&A/breaktime each) to one or two key concepts in each of: Climate System Science; Ecosystem Science; Environmental Economics; Sustainability Sociology; and Action Research.  2. [15 mins] Sustainability Challenge: Leaders will present a realistic but simplified and idealized sustainability problem to participants that relies on application of the key concepts, to authentically test whether they can communicate and collaborate to solve the problem.  3. [15 mins] Summary: Using an online collaborative tool, participants and leaders post short reflections on what they learned, what flaws they discovered in the pilot design, and retake the pre-session quiz to assess what they learned as a result of the session.

Sebastian Steinig (Research Associate, University of Bristol)
Cornelia Krug
Javier Lopez Prol (Assistant Professor, Yonsei University Mirae)
Tobias Buser (Executive Secretary, ITD Alliance - Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity)

> Go to agenda


Registration is open.

To register online or in-person visit:

Submission deadline for session proposals is 21 December 2022 at 23:59 EST (UTC -5).

Click here for the updated agenda of the conference.