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Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity

Sesimbra, Portugal
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Working groups


Date: 25 May 2023

Location: Cineteatro Municipal João Mota, Sesimbra, Portugal


The International Symposium on the “Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity” will highlight the latest research on changes in marine functional connectivity caused by human impacts and on the possible management options for preserving this ecosystem property. 

The symposium, hosted by the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technolog​y) Action SEA-UNICORN and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), will bring together a broad group of experts to discuss the latest research on the emerging field of marine functional connectivity. Participants are invited to share knowledge and experience on changes in marine functional connectivity under anthropogenic pressures, including the ubiquitous effects of global warming (e.g. increases in water temperature and extreme weather events, changes in oceanic circulation) and human activities modifying marine habitats and ecosystems (e.g. fishing, offshore wind farms, shipping, aquaculture). Emphasis will be placed on describing the effects on connectivity of a wide range of human activities at different scales, pinpointing cumulative impacts where possible, and showcasing adaptive management strategies. 

Theme sessions

Theme sessions are focused on changes in marine functional connectivity in response to human activities and in the management strategies to mitigate changing marine connectivity and uncertainty in its forecasts.

1 - Pervasive human impacts on the environment and trends in marine connectivity

Conveners: Audrey Darnaude (CNRS, France), Konsantina Agiadi (University of Vienna, Austria), Fabien Moullec (NIOZ, Netherlands)

​​2 - Responses of marine connectivity to environmental extremes and incidental human impacts

Conveners: Lucía López López (IEO-CSIC, Spain), Susanne Tanner (MARE/University of Lisbon, Portugal), Filip Volckaert (KU Leuven, Belgium)

3 - Human impacts on species phenology and seasonality in marine connectivity

Conveners: Manuel Hidalgo (IEO- CSIC, Spain), Antonina do Santos (IPMA, Portugal), Filipe Martinho (CFE - University of Coimbra , Portugal)

4 - Critical connectivity hubs and pathways at sea and the land-sea interface

Conveners: Anna Sturrock (University of Essex, UK), Maria Beger (University of Leeds, UK)

5 - Using marine connectivity to inform management strategies and mitigate human impacts

Conveners: Ant Türkmen (Ecological Research Society, Turkey) and Burak Ali Çiçek (Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus)

Q-MARE is organising a workshop on "Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns" as part of the Symposium on Human Impacts on Marine Functional Connectivity co-organized by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the COST-Action SEA-UNICORN. > Calendar 

Q-MARE Workshop

Workshops will take place at the same time during the first half of the day on Thursday, 25 May.

​​Workshop 1: Geohistorical perspectives on functional connectivity patterns

Organizers: Konstantina Agiadi & Bryony Caswell

Geohistorical data are fundamental for understanding current species distributions, including their origin, movement, and vectors (whether they be natural or anthropogenic). Historical records can include documents and images, oral history, museum collections or archaeological records (e.g., shell middens) that can be used to recreate species distributions and track the rates, pathways and consequences of species movements. Geological records, from the recent and deeper past, can help us to understand the consequences of species redistribution due to natural environmental changes at geological timescales including long-term patterns associated with climate change.

Join this workshops to review the available resources, techniques and applications of geohistorical data in providing a baseline of pre-industrial changes in functional connectivity patterns, anticipating future species distributions, and the consequences for communities and ecosystem services.

The on-site registration for the workshop has now passed, but we invite you to register to participate online by sending an email to (q[dot]mare[dot]wg[at]gmail[dot]com) with the subject «Registration to MFC workshop» by 22nd May 2023.

> Find out more about the Q-MARE working group

Important dates

Abstract submission opens: 3 October 2022

Abstract submission closes: 14 November 2022 5 December 2022

Decision on abstract acceptance: 15 January 2023

Registration opens: 15 January 2023

Registration deadline: 15 February 2023

Symposia programme published: April 2023

Travel support for early career scientists and SEA-UNICORN members

Limited funds will be available to support travel and accommodation for:

early career scientists, with priority given to those of a nationality and/or affiliation with ICES Member Countries

members of the COST Action SEA-UNICORN.

Applications for travel support are submitted with your abstract submission, deadline: 14 November 2022. 

More information

For further information, please visit the website: