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Seventh CVAS Discussion Seminar Series on Proxy System Modelling: Dendrochronology

Online meeting
Contact person
Andrew Dolman, Raphaël Hébert, Liv Heinecke & Thomas Laepple
Working groups

Organized by the PAGES working group CVAS (Climate Variability Across Scales)


Next date: 21 February 2023
Time: 15:00 CET (14:00 UTC)
Location: The seminar series will be conducted online. Please log in via the following link:
Meeting number: 2733 007 3189
Password: pjVNQ4H875q

Features proxy: Dendrochronology
Speakers: Ignacio Hermoso de Mendoza (UQAM/GEOTOP, Quebec)


In this seminar series, (mainly) Tuesdays 15:00 CET, we will approach the topic from different proxies. 

We aim for the most exhaustive approach possible and collected contributions covering a wide range of proxies such as lake and marine sediments, pollen archives, glacier and ice, corals, clams and sclerosponges, speleothems, dendrochronological records etc. 

The main lines of inquiries we wish to explore (but not limited to) in this seminar through presentations and discussion concern:
(i) The impact of the recording process on variability as a function of timescales
(ii) How are processes damping/amplifying/preserving high and/or low-frequency variability? What is the minimal PSM we need for the purpose of understanding the spectrum of climate variability?
(iii) What numerical/field/lab experiments would be needed to validate the models and to estimate their parameters?

We will have one to two speakers for each topic, who will give approx. 15 min presentations, followed by an open discussion, which is an important integral part of the seminar series.


The live schedule can be accessed in the following Google Doc:


Andrew Dolman, Raphaël Hébert, Liv Heinecke & Thomas Laepple

More information

Join the CVAS mailing list for updates and further information: or contact a member of the CVAS steering committee: