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45th Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis

Online meeting
Contact person
Manfred Mudelsee
E-Mail address


This Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis is specifically tailored to the needs of PhD students and postdocs, who wish to learn about an important combination of disciplines (climate change and time series analysis), but have had so far not much exposure to in-depth statistical teaching. It will also attract professional researchers, who wish to update their knowledge or to learn new statistical techniques. We assume that participants come from somewhere in the range of climatology, ecology, econometrics, environmental sciences, geosciences, hydrology, meteorology, or physics.

A technical highlight of this 45th course is that it presents a novel tool (LINCAL) for paleoclimate proxy calibration with realistic uncertainty measures (Mudelsee, 2022, in prep.).


Date: 1-10 February 2023
Location: Online


We just assume that do not run away when you see a mathematical formula: all the basics, and the advanced methods as well, you will learn here. You get the required statistical tools and extensive hands-on training to become able to optimally analyse your data and answer the associated questions about the climate. You acquire the theoretical basis for understanding the tools and interpreting the results. You learn to quantify the various sources of uncertainty in data, climate models and statistical estimation.

The course consists of lectures and extensive hands-on training in computer tutorials. Access to the course videos is provided through a streaming host. Data, software, the lecture as PDF, additional reading material (articles as PDF), the statistical tools and (optionally) an e-book version of the textbook (Mudelsee, 2014, Climate Time Series Analysis, 2nd edition, Springer, 454 pp) are included in the fee. You get the link to the course slides already several days before the start to optimally prepare yourself. During the course days, you can participate daily in online chats on the material delivered on that day. After the course, you are offered an individual two-month feedback period where you get the exclusive chance to shown own data, tell me about the questions (the data are asking), receive support on the software and general statistical advice. We communicate by email during this period and, if needed, via one-to-one online meetings.

Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own data for discussion and analysis during the course. The number of participants is limited to twenty to allow in-depth individual consultation with the course holder and textbook author, Manfred Mudelsee.


Registration fee net price, no VAT:
Without e-book: 1300 EUR
With e-book: 1400 EUR

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