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PaleoHack 4: Bring Your Own Project

Marina Del Rey, CA, United States
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Meeting Category


Date: 20-23 June

Location: Marina Del Rey, CA, USA

Venue: The University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute


The geosciences are entering an exciting phase, with open-source research ecosystems opening new avenues of investigation. PaleoHack aims to bring the power of the Python software ecosystem to all paleoclimatologists. PaleoHack builds on the work of the LinkedEarth and PaleoCube projects, funded by the US National Science Foundation EarthCube program. In particular, it makes use of the Linked Paleo Data standard and the Pyleoclim package. This workshop aims to introduce 10-15 early-career researchers to cloud-based paleoclimatology, including:

  • advanced timeseries analysis
  • analysis of paleoclimate data syntheses
  • confrontations of paleo observations and model output
  • interfaces with other paleosciences (e.g. paleoecology, paleoceanography, archeology)


This is a “Bring Your Own Project” event: participants are expected to bring a science proposal and have done the preliminary work of assembling data and code resources to make it happen. The facilitators, as well as your hard work and collaborations, will turn these plans into a reality. The workshop will feature a mix of demos, team-building activities, solo and group coding time, to accelerate your research progress towards a particular science goal (ideally, one or more publications). A particular interest of ours is to foster collaboration between paleoclimate modelers and observationalists, using the LiPD ecosystem and the LinkedEarth Research Hub.


This hackathon will be supported by NSF grant AGS 2002556 from the P2C2 program and is geared towards researchers with prior Python experience wanting to bring their research to the next level.

Requirements for participation:

  • Intermediate scientific Python proficiency (working knowledge of numpy, pandas and
  • matplotlib a must; xarray as needed), either through participation in a previous PaleoHack
  • edition, independent training certificate, or submitted code example.
  • An interesting and manageable science problem, i.e. something on which reasonable progress might be made over 4 days. Examples include science questions heretofore limited by the access to data or the ability to analyze them quantitatively. 
  • Desire to collaborate with other ECRs (graduate students past their qualifying exam process, all the way to junior faculty/staff).


We anticipate hosting 10-15 participants in sunny Marina Del Rey, CA, at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute. Travel, lodging, and food costs for participants at US-based institutions will be partially or fully funded by the National Science Foundation (grant AGS 2002518), with priority given to early-career researchers, women, and underrepresented minorities.

International applicants will be considered, but cannot be financially supported by NSF.


Register on the website by 12 March.

> Go to website 

More information

Further information on the schedule, facilitators and FAQs can be found on the website: or email (linkedearth[at]gmail[dot]com).

> Download the flyer