GeoBerlin 2023 - Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future
Date: 3-7 September 2023
Location: Berlin
"The year 2023 is a special year for the geosciences in Germany, as two anniversaries will be celebrated at once. On the one hand, the German Geological Society - Geological Association (DGGV) celebrates its 175th anniversary. Its founding fathers also inspired the establishment of the Prussian Geological Survey 150 years ago. It was particularly characterised by its high scientific performance combined with a transnational and international commitment. Today, the role is performed by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in the community of the State Geological Services of Germany. Both anniversaries will be duly celebrated at the annual DGGV meeting from September 3 to 7, 2023. At the same time, we will be looking towards the future. In accordance with the motto "Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future", the future challenges of the geosciences in Germany will be the focus of the conference. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin.
It is our central concern to overcome boundaries with this conference and we could not imagine a more suitable venue for this purpose than Berlin, with its divided history. Be it disciplinary, social, political, or geographical boundaries: it is often these boundaries that hinder people to solve important problems for the future.
We are very much looking forward to celebrating this special anniversary together with you in September 2023"
1 Earth and Society: Climate, Sustainability and Natural Resources
2 Early Earth Processes and Long-Term Earth and Planetary Evolution
3 Understanding the Earth System – From Endogenic to Exogenic Processes that Shape the Earth
4 Managing the Future of Earth Sciences: Data, Citizen Science, Education, Outreach
Deadline: Wednesday, 3 May 2023
Please note: There is no abstract fee. The registration fees you will find here.
> Submit an abstract
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Please visit the website for all registration fee details:
Scientific Organizing Committee
Anne Bernhardt | FU Berlin
André Bornemann | BGR Hannover
Kirsten Elger | GFZ Potsdam
Georg Feulner | PIK Potsdam
Jürgen Grötsch | Shell, NL
Christoph Hilgers | KIT
Eline LeBreton | FU Berlin
Martin Meschede | DGGV, Greifswald University
Lena Noack | FU Berlin
Heinz-Gerd Röhling | DGGV
Dirk Scherler | FU Berlin
Esther Schwarzenbach | FU Berlin
Matthias Warnecke | DGGV / Vulcan Energy Subsurface Solutions GmbH
PAGES-related sessions
3.12) Past climates and environments inform our future
Blanchet, Cécile (1); Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie (2)
1: GFZ Potsdam, Germany
2: University of Potsdam
Keynote speaker: Niels de Winter, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
“Reconstructions of climatic seasonality and decadal variability in deep time from bioarchives”
The anthropogenic-forced climate warming poses a serious socio-economic challenge by pushing Earth ́s climate to a warmer state for which there is no historical precedent. Although there exists no perfect analogue for the expected climate change, Earth’s history includes past climate states that could hold lessons for the future of our warming world. Geosciences, and in particular the study of past climates and environments, play an important role by providing a long-term context and benchmarks for the modelling community.
In our session, we welcome studies focusing on past climatic and/or past environmental reconstructions from orbital to annual time scales. Multi-proxy or data-model comparisons are particularly encouraged. We aim at providing an overview of current research in the “paleo”-community and provide a platform to exchange ideas on Earth climate system changes of the past. Submissions that investigate a wide range of topics, such as rapid climate changes, hyperthermals, past oceanic circulation or paleo-ecology, and how these interact with the carbon cycle are welcome. Finally, we encourage and commit to uplift submissions from early-career scientists and under- represented groups in the Geosciences.
> Download session descriptions
Further information
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