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FLARE: Fire science Learning AcRoss the Earth system

Contact person
Douglas Hamilton
E-Mail address


Date: 18-21 September 2023

Location: Bermuda

Format: Hybrid event, on-site and online participation


Increasing trends in wildfire activity are impacting society and the Earth system in multiple and contrasting ways. The multidisciplinary nature of the problem urges a coordinated research strategy. To trigger the creation of this community, SOLAS is hosting a workshop with experts representing the Future Earth Global Research Network (GRN). 

The interactions between fire events and the Earth system are complex. They require expertise from across the geosciences to work alongside observationalists and modelers of past and present fire activity to fully appreciate and identify the main challenges that must be addressed. The impact of fires on terrestrial ecosystems has been studied for decades, and fires are now recognized as key ecological drivers for efficiently recycling organic carbon. However, the multidimensional nature of fires (particularly wildfires) means that fires also have noticeable impacts on freshwater and marine ecosystems, weather and climate, and human health. The changing trends in fire frequency, intensity, and spatial reorganization in response to climate change (e.g., drought, heatwaves, loss of ice) are altering the interactions between fire and other components of the Earth system, including societies. The future impacts of fires on the Earth system remain poorly constrained due to a lack of communication between relevant fields of expertise.  

As a logical follow-on from the successful Future Earth COP27 side event (in which PAGES was involved), SOLAS and Future Earth-ESA will host a workshop on Fire science Learning AcRoss all Earth system interfaces (FLARE) and human dimensions at BIOS in September. 

SOLAS Early Career Researchers lead this proposal which will provide a much-needed platform for communicating the latest scientific knowledge on wildfire. The workshop will enable the promotion and integration of cutting-edge ESA space data, which is critical to address a wide range of research questions associated with fires across and between disciplines. We aim to balance this research line with a strong paleo perspective which offers the lens to understand how wildfire activity has changed and interfered with the Earth’s system in the past, particularly in response to changes in climate.  

In response to the new understanding of the link between fire science and ocean nutrient supply and productivity, SOLAS has been keen to gather an array of experts in geosciences to discuss wildfires more holistically. To this end, SOLAS, other Future Earth GRNs (including PAGES) and Colorado State University co-chaired a COP27 side event in November 2022 on the role of fires in the Earth system and society. Preparatory work leading to this COP27 event revealed an apparent need for GRN’s and other participant groups to share and discuss their research and common goals in relation to future wildfire science. Notably, a research thread common to various disciplines involved in wildfire research focused on the apparent misunderstanding, to date, that fires are not “harmful” events but, rather, natural and vital contributors to the Earth’s ecosystem’s health. 

Key speakers/lecturers

Dr Douglas Hamilton, ECR

Dr. Jennifer Marlon

Dr. Stijn Hantson, ECR

Dr. Stephen Plummer

Dr. Kebonye Dintwe

The list of speakers/lecturers will be updated as and when they are confirmed. 


A half-day excursion will be organized for the on-site participants. 

Details to follow.  

More information

For more details on the workshop, visit the webpage at Future Earth:

Contact Douglas Hamilton for further information: (dshamil3[at]ncsu[dot]edu)