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3rd INQUA-MARE workshop: Tropical Realm

San José, San José, Costa Rica
Contact person
INQUA-MARE Organizers
E-Mail address


Date: 9-11 January 2024
Location: In-person and online


Registration is free.
Register on the >INQUA-MARE 2024 site 


The objective of INQUA-MARE is to bring together researchers studying recent (Holocene) sediment records from the Arctic, Antarctic and the Tropics, as these regions are linked by thermohaline circulation and atmospheric teleconnection. 
As these areas are the most sensitive to climate change, we feel the need to let researchers working on these records meet and discuss their results and research methods, and maximise their efforts by enlarging their scientific network. 
We want to bring together researchers from the broader fields of paleoceanography because we are convinced that only through an interdisciplinary project we can get an exhaustive and deep understanding of the phenomena we study.

Extension of workshop deadlines

The organizers have extended the 3rd INQUA-MARE Workshop deadlines.
The new deadline to submit your request for a travel grant is 1 October; at the end of this mail you will find the instructions to apply for the grant.
Registrations will close on 15 November and abstract submission will close on 1 December.
Please, remember that the 3rd INQUA-MARE workshop, “Tropical Realm” (including temperate areas), will be held at the University of Costa Rica, San José, from 9 to 11 January 2024. 

Keep in mind that: 

  • the workshop will be a hybrid one: you will have the chance to join it using Zoom; 
  • the participation to the workshop is free; you can register by compiling the following Google form;
  • the workshop will follow this provisional schedule:

9 January - micro-paleo, geochemistry, biology, biomarkers 
10 January - sedimentology, oceanography, modelling
11 January - research opportunities


You can submit your abstract by 1 December by sending it to (inqua[dot]mare[at]gmail[dot]com) and adding “Surname_abstract” to the object of your mail.
Download the abstract template

Financial Assistance

To apply for a Early Career Researcher (ECR) or a Developing-Country Researcher (DCR) Travel Grant you need to:

  • Present a talk during the INQUA-MARE workshop;
  • Meet the definition of ECR or DCR following the INQUA Guidelines
  • Submit the following documentation to by 1 October
  • your Scientific CV; your CV MUST contain:
  • the indication of the date when you received your final degree;
  • your nationality;
  • your current affiliation;
  • a budget of the expected expenses (travel and accommodation expenses);
  • a short motivation letter (200 characters with spaces) explaining why you would like to take part in the workshop and which benefits you will have from your participation. 

The names of the winners will be announced by 26 October.
The maximum grant amount will be of € 1000,00.
Grants will be released following the participation in the workshop and the submission of the travel and accommodation documents.

More information

Please visit the INQUA-MARE website for updated information: