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5th CRIAS workshop: Climate and Migration: Historical and Present Perspectives

Brno, Czechia
Contact person
Lukáš Dolák
E-Mail address
Working groups
Meeting Category


Date: 3-4 June 2024
Location: Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 267/2
Venue: Brno, Czech Republic and online


The 5th PAGES-CRIAS workshop will build on previous workshops and continue the development of methods for attributing societal impacts and adaptations to past climatic variability. Given current concerns over climate change, disasters, and migration, the workshop's theme is highly topical. Although research into the present impacts of global warming and extreme weather on mobility and immobility has accelerated, the history of climate and migration has received comparatively little scholarly attention.

Important dates

Call for Abstracts: 18 February 2024
Acceptance Decision: 15 March 2024

About the workshop

This workshop aims to initiate new research activities on mobility and climate, share viewpoints and experience, support new international collaborations among researchers, define research outcomes, and lay the basis for the working group’s following activities and publications. The meeting location, situated in central Europe and easily accessible by plane and train, will facilitate attendance worldwide.

The workshop will follow up on the objectives of phase 1 (coordinating and disseminating best practices for climate reconstruction and creating climate-historical databases from the archives of societies from all world regions) and allow successful fulfilment of the recent phase 2 goals (better integration of quantitative and qualitative methods in historical climate impact and adaptation research, overcoming cultural barriers among scholars of different disciplines and establishment a common language and standards). 

Written records, early instrumental observations or various artefacts represent a significant potential to study past mobility from a climate perspective. Given current concerns over climate change, disasters, and migration, the theme of the meeting is highly topical. Although research into the present impacts of global warming and extreme weather on mobility and immobility has accelerated, the history of climate and migration has received comparatively little scholarly attention.

This meeting aims to initiate new research activities on mobility and climate, share viewpoints and experience, support new international collaborations among researchers, and define research goals. In addition, the meeting will plan the working group’s next activities and publications. 

The conference is directed at researchers in all career stages, including those with backgrounds in history, archaeology, climate science, and related disciplines. The organizers also encourage museum practitioners, climate communicators, and societal stakeholders with an interest in past climate and migration to apply.                Online sessions are planned for all participants who cannot attend in person.

Confirmed key speakers/participants

CRIAS Steering Committee and workshop organizers:
Sam White, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Lukáš Dolák, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Qing Pei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Heli Huhtamaa, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Confirmed invited key speakers:
Radim Tolasz, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Brno, WMO and IPCC representative for the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Julia Mildorfova Leventon, Global Change Research Institute CAS, Czech Republic


The organizers invite contributions in all of the following topics:
• Influences of past climate variability and extreme weather events on human migration;
• Impacts of climate variability on transport;
• Climate and colonialism;
• Different spatial and temporal scales of climate, migration, and mobility;
• Methodological challenges and innovations in the study of climate and migration;
• Climate change, ecosystems, diseases and migration.

Financial assistance

There are funds available for early-career researchers and/or researchers from low- and middle-income countries. Please contact the organizers for more information. Online sessions are planned for all participants who cannot attend in person.


The workshop will be situated in central Europe (Brno, Czech Republic) with good transport accessibility (especially by train). All European participants are strongly advised to travel to the workshop by land only. The workshop is also planned as a hybrid meeting. Suitable locality, convenient accessibility and hybrid form can significantly contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The workshop is planned as paper-free. In the whole area of Masaryk University, bins for sorted waste are available. During coffee breaks, vegetarian food will be available, and the emphasis will be put on local meals from the Czech Republic.

Further information

For further information, please contact Lukáš Dolák:
Please find the workshop information sheet here.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to the PAGES Code of Conduct here