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Goldschmidt Conference 2024

Chicago, IL, United States
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Date: 18–23 August 2024
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Venue: Hilton Chicago hotel and conference center


Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, international conference on geochemistry and related subjects, organized by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.

Program by Theme

Theme 01: From Dust to Planets: Pathways to Habitable Worlds
Theme 02: Earth's Interior: Formation, Differentiation, and Evolution
Theme 03: Crustal Processes and Evolution
Theme 04: Magmatism, Volcanism, and Their Impacts
Theme 05: Earth Resources and Energy for a Sustainable Future: Minerals, Melts, and Fluids
Theme 06: Frontiers in Analytical and Computational Techniques
Theme 07: Co-Evolution of Life and The Earth Through Deep Time
Theme 08: Earth's Active Surface: From Weathering to Climate Impacts
Theme 09: Biogeochemical Cycles and Their Signatures
Theme 10: Geochemistry of Terrestrial, Groundwater, and Freshwater Systems
Theme 11: Environmental Geochemistry and Human Health
Theme 12: Chemistry and Physical Processes of The Oceans and Atmosphere
Theme 13: Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future
Theme 14: Cross-cutting Theme: Geochemistry Informing the Public and Policy for a Better World

Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis (SISAL) session

Theme 13: Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future
Session ID #6194 / 13f: Reconstruction of climate and environmental changes in terrestrial archives from geochemical tracers 
Conveners: Ny Riavo G Voarintsoa (University of Houston), Jagoš Radović (University of Houston), Nikita Kaushal (American Museum of Natural History), Emily Jane Beverly (University of Minnesota)


Climate and environmental changes are among important challenges facing our society today. The variations in the Earth's climate and environment on land will have the most direct impact on human populations. These variations are well preserved in terrestrial geological records as geochemical proxies. We study them to improve our understanding of Earth's climate evolution through time.
This session will focus on novel approaches and multiproxy developments to investigate terrestrial paleoclimate records in geological samples. We welcome contributions that focus on archives such as speleothems, lake sediments, and paleosols and proxies that include conventional and non-conventional stable isotopes, trace metal analyses, lipid biomarkers such as tetraether lipids, alkenones and others to investigate climate and environmental variability over time.  We anticipate covering a wide range of time periods , hence, long-term records or event-focused anomalous periods are welcome in the session.

We also encourage contributions that help to calibrate such proxy records, for example laboratory experiments, model simulations, field monitoring, and the use of novel analytical instrumentation and data science approaches.

Tracking Earth’s Hydrologic Cycle with Stable Isotopes in Water

Theme 13: Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future
Session Theme: 13C - Tracking Earth’s Hydrologic Cycle with Stable Isotopes in Water
Convenors: Jessica Conroy, Sylvia Dee, and Bronwen Konecky


Stable isotope ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in water are well-established and effective tools for understanding the earth system, yielding fundamental insights into the dynamics of past and present climates. Water isotope-based paleoclimate proxy measurements have provided some of the most important records of past climate change. In the modern earth system, stable water isotope measurements have delivered insights into hydrologic provenance and key physical processes in the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere. Innovative techniques allowing for high temporal resolution water isotope measurements as well as advances in remote-sensing of water isotopologues have recently produced new research directions in the field. Furthermore, new capabilities surrounding the incorporation of stable water isotopes into both simple and complex modeling frameworks are enabling improved interpretation of stable water isotopes in both modern waters and isotope-based paleoclimate archives. This session welcomes abstracts that pertain to the measurement, modeling, paleo-reconstruction, or application of stable water isotope data to further understanding of past, present, or future variability in the climate system.

Confirmed invited speakers are:
Franziska Aemisegger, University of Bern and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, (currently at Institute for Atmospheric & Climate Science, ETH Zurich), Nick Siler, Oregon State University

Submission Deadline: March 29, 2024. Submit your abstract here.

We look forward to your participation and the opportunity to collectively advance our understanding of Earth's hydrologic cycle with stable water isotopes

Important dates

1 September 2023: Call for Session and Workshop Proposals Opens
31 October 2023: Session and Workshop Proposal Deadline
10 January 2024: Abstract Submission, Grant, and Student Helper Applications Open
15 March 2024: Grant Application Deadline
29 March 2024: Abstract Submission Deadline
30 April 2024: Volunteer Team Applications Close
1 July 2024: Early Registration Deadline
18-23 August 2024: Goldschmidt 2024


Please visit the website for full details on registration and costs here

Further information

For full details of the conference, including a full list of sessions, visit the Goldschmidt2024 website