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1st PALSEA-Next Meeting: From mud to models

Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Contact person
Juliet Sefton
E-Mail address
Working groups


Date: 26–28 August 
Location: Santa Barbara (USA)
Venue: University of California Santa Barbara (USA)


The overarching goal of PALSEA-Next is to advance our understanding of past sea-level change to inform predictions of future ice sheet, sea-level and coastline evolution. The PALSEA community  is by nature interdisciplinary and brings together researchers from the proxy-reconstruction to the geophysical process modeling ends of the geoscience spectrum.

Our aim of the first PALSEA-Next meeting is to bridge different research disciplines to address shared research questions related to the response of past ice sheets and sea level to changing climate.

The workshop will take place on the campus of the University of California Santa Barbara (USA). The meeting will include dedicated scientific sessions and discussions and a half day fieldtrip to see the marine terraces, beaches, and subsiding coastal marshes of the Santa Barbara coastline.

This meeting is hosted by the University of California Santa Barbara (USA) and sponsored by INQUA (Commission Coastal and Marine Processes) and by PAGES (Past Global Changes) with the support of the INSTANT (Instabilities and thresholds in Antarctica) research program of SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research).

Abstract submission and registration

Abstract submission deadline: 24 April (23:59 UTC)
> Submit abstract 

Registration cost: 100 USD

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ECRs and DCRs attendance 

Travel support is available for Early-Career Researchers and Researchers from Developing Countries (ECRs and DCRs). 

If you would like to apply for financial support to attend this meeting (and you are an Early Career Researcher and/or a Developing Country Researcher) you can submit your request via this form.

Information about how to apply for support will be detailed in the next announcement.
> Download the third circular (March 2024)
> Download the first circular 
> Download the second 

Organising committee

Alex Simms, Juliet Sefton, Tamara Pico, Matteo Vacchi, Alessio Rovere, and Holly Han.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to the PAGES Code of Conduct here