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Beyond-EPICA Ice Core Seminar Series 2024 - Terrestrial climate reconstructions across the MPT

Online meeting

Beyond-EPICA Ice Core Seminar Series in Autumn 2024


Date: 7 November
Time: 14:00 CET
Zoom link:
ID: 943 4151 8809
Code: 109575


As part of the EU Beyond-EPICA Ice Core (BE OI) project, and as co-chairs of the BE OI Climate and Carbon Cycle feedback Consortium, we are organizing a new season of our BE OI online seminar series during the Autumn 2024.

As a reminder, this seminar series is aiming at providing an update on advances related to paleoclimate reconstructions and simulations across the MPT and to our understanding of this major climatic transition.

Given the great interest in these topics for the paleoclimate research community, we are opening this seminar series to the public and invite you to join. Please also feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues.


The format of the seminar series is as last year: a seminar will take place once a month between September and December 2024 from 2-3pm CET.

For each seminar, two speakers working on related topics will present their recent studies, and each speaker will give a 20 min talk followed by a 10 min discussion.


As an initial „Save the dates!“ we would like to inform you about the confirmed dates and speakers:

Thursday, November 7th, 2pm CET - Topic: Terrestrial climate reconstructions across the MPT
- Julie Brigham-Grette (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): The MPT at Lake El’gygytgyn and the western Arctic gateway region
- Youbin Sun (Chinese Academy of Science): Chinese loess and East Asian monsoon variability

Friday, December 6th, 2pm CET - Topic: Mean ocean temperature reconstructions from ice cores
- Sarah Shackleton (Princeton University): Surface-subsurface ocean temperature decoupling across the Mid Pleistocene Transition: Allan Hills blue ice results and outstanding questions
- Hubertus Fischer (University of Bern): How noble are noble gases in ice core research

Further information

Please contact Emilie Capron via email for further information:
> Visit the Beyond EPICA website